Bonds Says '06 Season His Last | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Bonds Says '06 Season His Last

If he doesn't hit the 48 HRs, he will matter what he says.
It's a way for him to BREAK the record and not look like he has been chasing it. If he get's it, it makes it more legit. Doens't look like he hung around for extra years trying to break it.

Or, he has come to the conclusion that even if he gets it, A-ROD will break it in a few years anyway, so why chase a record to only hold it for a little while!
MikeO said:
It's a way for him to BREAK the record and not look like he has been chasing it. If he get's it, it makes it more legit. Doens't look like he hung around for extra years trying to break it.

Very true. And that's admirable. I just think Bonds is a jerk and I'm tired of hearing about him. There has never been a less enjoyable athlete who performs at such a high level.
phunwin said:
Very true. And that's admirable. I just think Bonds is a jerk and I'm tired of hearing about him. There has never been a less enjoyable athlete who performs at such a high level.

Well he announced his story on the wrong day. Bad enough same day as DAYTONA. He just got moved back to Page 2 with all of the Ricky stuff thats about to hit the fan!

Nobody will realize its his last year until July now!
MikeO said:
Well he announced his story on the wrong day. Bad enough same day as DAYTONA. He just got moved back to Page 2 with all of the Ricky stuff thats about to hit the fan!

Nobody will realize its his last year until July now!

Actually, it wouldn't shock me if he timed it this way. It's not like Bonds has any particular love for the media or for wide-spread attention.

Prime Time said:
I for one, like Bonds...

Well, there's certainly plenty to like. He's an automatic first-ballot HOFer, quite possibly the best power hitter since Babe Ruth, and while he's kind of a jerk, there's no indication that he's an actively bad human being (i.e. wife beater, child abuser, cokehead, etc.). So, by the rapidly declining standards to which we hold athletes, there's really nothing wrong with Bonds. To that end, it's probably hypocritical of me to dislike Bonds but like Randy McMichael. Oh well.
phunwin said:
Well, there's certainly plenty to like. He's an automatic first-ballot HOFer, quite possibly the best power hitter since Babe Ruth, and while he's kind of a jerk, there's no indication that he's an actively bad human being (i.e. wife beater, child abuser, cokehead, etc.). So, by the rapidly declining standards to which we hold athletes, there's really nothing wrong with Bonds. To that end, it's probably hypocritical of me to dislike Bonds but like Randy McMichael. Oh well.

The only crime Bonds has committed is he isn't a nice person. He cheats on his wife, who cares, they all do. He "may" have takent steroids (wink wink) who cares they all do. So, because he doens't sign every autograph and talk nice to reporters when they want him to talk, he is a prick? Well, so was Ted Williams up until he was on his last legs. Didn't hurt his legacy any. Won't hurt Bond's either. In fact if Bonds comes within 1 HR of Aaron and walks away, he will be remembered as a baseball god. Almost like saying, here is your stupid little record.I could have had it. Gave you a mess with should there be an * or not next to it. Now let someone else break it and just leave me alone.With that ..."but I could have done it".....overtone he can hang over everyones head forever!
Barry Bonds is the best player i've ever seen and this is much bigger news than the Daytona or Ricky getting busted, IMO.
djfresh47 said:
Barry Bonds is the best player i've ever seen and this is much bigger news than the Daytona or Ricky getting busted, IMO.

In my opinion if Ken Griffey Jr. never got hurt we would be talking about Ken breaking Aaron's record this year. And he'd probably be considered a better player than Bonds, one could even make the arguement that Griffey in his prime was better than Bonds at the time.
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