Boston Ready To Disprove Doubters | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Boston Ready To Disprove Doubters


Retired FinHeaven Staff
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Aug 13, 2003
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120 mi west of Costa Rica

This is the story PressCoverage was telling us about earlier.

Also, this is a Sun-Sentinel article that is linked currently to the Mercury paper that you need to register at. The reason it is linked here is because the Sentinel has not yet posted it. Once they do, I will change the link.

EDIT: The Sentinel just posted it, so the link has now changed.
Man, I hope Boston stays healthy. I liked this quote:

"If somebody told you, you could buy a stock that could only go up, but it couldn't go down, even if it had just an average track record, why wouldn't you do it?"
thanx for the artical nublar man i really think this guy is going to show everyone what he is really made of.when healthy this guy is one of the top wr in league this guy can take over a game like a randy moss.hey nublar i have a favor to ask do you think you can maybe find me a tricked out h2 and replace with the one i have i just want it to look GQ KNOW WHAT I MEAN. :D
Shouldn't Boston be trying to "disprove" his doubters?? ;)
..having a child often changes your perspective on life, hopefully he gets right
His child is what has turned his life around and i know that he will do good with the change. Boston will be exciting to watch this year with a spread out offense and his new attitude.
Who is that guy... David Boston looks suspiciously like Jason Giambi...maybe they need to workout with Bonds personal trainor...those skinny little *******s;)
So hes "recovered" hes cleaned up his act, and he's already been red shirted in practice for shin splints. No offense to you boston lovers, but will this guy ever be healthy? I hope he can as I can't wait for him to prove me wrong.
awing_pilot said:
So hes "recovered" hes cleaned up his act, and he's already been red shirted in practice for shin splints. No offense to you boston lovers, but will this guy ever be healthy? I hope he can as I can't wait for him to prove me wrong.

It's always easy to spot the guys who were in the band! :band2:
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