O Ba´al, now your foes you must slay
"Don’t listen to the noise of September. Winning the AFC East is still like signing up for Facebook or getting Pete Rose’s autograph: It’s easy.....
You need a coach and a quarterback to win in the NFL. The Patriots have the best of both. The Bills, Dolphins, and Jets in this century have had clowns, jokers, fraidy cats, and frauds. My favorite part of the ESPN carve job on the Patriots last week was the part about the Spygate benefits against the stooges of the AFC East."
You need a coach and a quarterback to win in the NFL. The Patriots have the best of both. The Bills, Dolphins, and Jets in this century have had clowns, jokers, fraidy cats, and frauds. My favorite part of the ESPN carve job on the Patriots last week was the part about the Spygate benefits against the stooges of the AFC East."