Bowen to Retire/DT | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Bowen to Retire/DT

xiidaen Evangelist
May 31, 2002
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Jamesburg, NJ
In light of recent reports that Tim Bowens is likely to retire, what is the status of the DT position on the phins?

I have a great deal of respect for Bowen and what he did for the dolphins in his career here. He really comes across as the model player that is willing to do what it takes for the team. I hope his retirement, essentially forced by injuries, does not scare off other players from taking a similar route. A couple people on the main board have proposed him for the Ring of Honor -- I don't have the necessary sense of history to see how he measures up to that level, but I think something special should be done to recognize his accomplishments.

Looking ahead, however, here are our current DTs:

* Larry Chester - good player when healty, but coming off serious injury with questions as to his recovery.
* Jeff Zgoninia - Good player, but I really expected him to be cut or traded by now, I suspect the questions about TB and LC have kept him around.
* Keith Traylor - Good pickup to help stablize position
* Dario Romero - Not bad in rotation, but you have to question his ability to start.
* Kevin Vickerson - Draft pickup
* Orrin Thompson - UFA
* Josh Shaw - I admit I know nothing about Shaw.

I think Traylor is a lock to start on that list, but I don't know if there is a clear number two on there if Chester is unable to play. Do we need another option for DT? If this is a something that we address in next year's draft, do we take a flyer in the supplemental on Wright or is he too raw to start too?

I think the talent we've brought in on the line will serve us well on passing downs, and our rumored moves toward a hybrid 3-4 may offset the weakness at run stuffing DT as well. However, I would be much more comfortable with an indication that Chester is ready to go or the addition of another run stuffing DT.

I think the team will look carefully at any released DTs and watch our new players closely in the remaining camps. The decision on Wright may be based on how quickly he can contribute, and his potential to play as a Nose Tackle in a 3-4 down the road.

Any thoughts from those who know more about some of these players than I do? (I'm assuming that's all of you, it's why I come in here!)
Any thoughts from those who know more about some of these players than I do? (I'm assuming that's all of you, it's why I come in here!)<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

For the love of God, -- BUMP! A fine fellow premie has requested some input!

Don't make me have to demonstrate the full bredth of my ignorance trying to answer him. You would NOT want to see that.:shakeno:
You overlooked Kevin Carter, who was signed as a hybrid DT/DE. Ideally, Carter's a 3-4 end. In a 4-3, he'll be playing a fair amount of DT. And I still think Vonnie Holliday will see some time at DT, whether he likes it or not. The guy's nearly 300 pounds and is a much better run stuffer than pass rusher. Why WOULDN'T he play DT? I read a report that said he played a little DT in camp already, so that may come to fruition.

But like you, I'm VERY concerned about our depth. Chester can't be counted on at this point, Zgonina's old and everyone else is untested and not of a particularly notable pedigree (UFAs and a 7th rounder). I think Vickerson's going to make the team, and hopefully do well, but if you're counting on a 7th round pick to give you quality time, you may be stretching things.

All in all, it seems like they're trying to put together (ahem) "a coalition of the willing" and hope it works out. That is, get 30-40 snaps a game from Traylor, another 30 from Carter at DT (maybe another 15 at end), play some 3-4 with a line of Holliday, Traylor and Carter to minimize the weakness of the DT spot, and patch together enough healthy bodies to fill the rest of the gap.
P4E - thanks for the moral support! Hope to see you at the kickoff party in NJ again this year.

Phunwin - I think you're right, and we might in fact see a fair amount of this tinkering at just about every position -- especially early in the season as Saban looks over the options and works out different combinations of talent on the field.

I'd feel better with another solid addition there, but we might need it elsewhere (S) more.

I think Saban will try to put the best talent possible on the field, but there is a long term plan in place as well -- and there are questions at all sorts of position (most notably QB in my mind) that need answering. This might be why there have been some many short (1 year) contracts -- prove it or lose it.
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