Brady Quinn to start for the Browns on Thursday | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Brady Quinn to start for the Browns on Thursday

im not looking forward to it because either way people will go overboard. I personally think Quinn is a going to be a good Qb but lets not forget this is his first game. Also for the Beck comment, get over it Quinn is miles ahead of Beck even in the fact that a team is considering starting him while Beck is struggling for his NFL life.
I'm excited to see what his debut will be like. I'm not expecting to much out of him. I'm sure down the line he will become a good QB.
im not looking forward to it because either way people will go overboard. I personally think Quinn is a going to be a good Qb but lets not forget this is his first game. Also for the Beck comment, get over it Quinn is miles ahead of Beck even in the fact that a team is considering starting him while Beck is struggling for his NFL life.

It's funny how people want to justify a pick by seeing another player fail. John Beck and Tedd Ginn obviously were the right pick if Quinn plays like garbage. If he struggles then maybe they knew what they were doing.

Romeo Crennel didn't help Quinn out at all by starting him with this week.
Karl Paymah after the game- " I just run the plays the coaches call. That guy Brayl...Brayon??...whatever that guys name is, he just got lucky to get 152 yards off of me. That no name quarterback also got lucky. It's the coaches fault!"

It's funny how people want to justify a pick by seeing another player fail. John Beck and Tedd Ginn obviously were the right pick if Quinn plays like garbage. If he struggles then maybe they knew what they were doing.

Romeo Crennel didn't help Quinn out at all by starting him with this week.

The bad thing is that people that are dolphin fans are like praying he does bad to justify not picking him and make them feel right. The fact is we passed and there is nothing that we can do to change it. Obviously choosing Beck was not a good choice so not sure why anyone really is concerned if he is good or bad.
I think we made an absolute mistake not drafting Quinn. Bottom line, his performance this game will not change my mind one way or the other. I think he will be a good QB in this leauge, and that would've done wonders for our future drafts.
I think we made an absolute mistake not drafting Quinn. Bottom line, his performance this game will not change my mind one way or the other. I think he will be a good QB in this leauge, and that would've done wonders for our future drafts.

Not to mention we would have been able to use our second round pick on a wr or corner this season instead of drafting another qb already.
yopu cant change the past, just look to the future. I personally hope he does well, just cause i liked him at nd and i also kinda like the browns and wouldnt mind seeing them do good un less it meant facing miami then you i hope he throws 5 picks and 2 td passes to us.

and lol al that guy who was mocking paymah, lmfao
I personally would have preferred we pick him but the past is the past and nothing has been proven about that draft with the exception of we made a mistake in the second round, we still cannot judge Ginn versus Quinn because its too early
The fact is we will never know if he would of worked in Miami or not. He would of been thrown to the wolves here. He had the privilage of sitting on the bench and learning his postion for a year and a half. Cleavand was a much better situation for him, playing in Miami, straight out of college could of ruined his future. Anderson got pulled out early. They should of waited to start Brady out fresh next season. Romeo is curtailing to the pressure of anxious fans who want to see what they bought and he is afraid to say no because his job is in jeapordy.
Brady Quinn is going to be an excellent quarterback in the NFL. I like the fact that they sat him down for more than a season, making him learn on the bench about the game.

It's worked out well for Tony Romo and Aaron Rodgers. It will work out fine for Brady too, and maybe Matt Leinart next season.

As for Ginn vs Beck, it is what it is. Ginn is still unproven and so is Brady, but you just don't pass on a QB with that type of talent. He's a franchise QB; Ginn is at best a #2 on any other team in the league, atleast for now.
Everybody overreacts to almost all draft picks. Certain special players are superstars right away like an Adrian Peterson. Though it takes time. Vernon Gholston in a different forum is already a bust 8 games into his professional career.

I'm sure people were happy with Saban's draft picks right after the draft. Now not so much. It's not even about John Beck probably never getting an opportunity play for Miami to me. I think fans like myself were finally ready for the team to invest in a Qb. When Quinn fell it seems like the only people who thought Ginn was the right pick at the moment were in the Dolphins war room.

It's neither here nor there but I thought the pick was arrogant from a franchise that hadn't had above average Qb play in awhile. Even the press conference I hated.
What network is carring this game? Is it on nfln or what for some frigging reason I cant find it..........
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