Brady should just calm himself down | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Brady should just calm himself down

sounds to me like he is still stinging from the total butt kicking that was delivered to them in their house!!!

they are falling apart, pats fans can talk all they want, the players can talk all they want, but Marty is right, there is only so much one team can take in the injury department before they break.

the only difference is this year, the media will make every excuse in the book for the pats losing their butts every week, where as last year, it was nothing but jokes about Miami. the phins suffered probably the worse off season /pre season in history when it comes to injuries and just plain bad crap happening to them, but it was funny to everyone in the media......Now the pats are losing it, and every one wants excuse for them and look for sympathy....what ever. I hope they never win another game all season. It is going to be interesting to see just how much Crennell and Weiss really did mean to that team. Hell with them.
did he just b!tch in that whole statement. I agree with some of the things he said but I can picture him sitting there crying after that as$ kicking.
wazzy said:
did he just b!tch in that whole statement. I agree with some of the things he said but I can picture him sitting there crying after that as$ kicking.

yeah, he is definatly a crier!
Maybe instead of doing commercials with your offensive lineman and girlfriend you should focus on your team TOM?? :lol:
crimminy, I though it was great. He wasn't cryin', he was setting the record straight. Remember, everyone has been dying waiting for these guys to fall. Shoot, I hope they don't, I hope we get good enough to beat them anyway. I'll bet you would like it if he was our QB defending us. I also think it is the truth, they are not done and this IS an opportunity for the new guys. This is the philosiphy Saban is cultivating in Miami. No excuses, step up, do your job. Folks, I watch the Patriots carefully, I think we will be soon just like them and I cannot think of a better way to go. Everything we have seen so far by Saban lends me to believe we are headed there.
He is just mad because the Chargers whooped his ***.
nephinsfan hoping on a Patriots bashing session? No....... ;)
nephinsfan said:
sounds to me like he is still stinging from the total butt kicking that was delivered to them in their house!!!

they are falling apart, pats fans can talk all they want, the players can talk all they want, but Marty is right, there is only so much one team can take in the injury department before they break.

the only difference is this year, the media will make every excuse in the book for the pats losing their butts every week, where as last year, it was nothing but jokes about Miami. the phins suffered probably the worse off season /pre season in history when it comes to injuries and just plain bad crap happening to them, but it was funny to everyone in the media......Now the pats are losing it, and every one wants excuse for them and look for sympathy....what ever. I hope they never win another game all season. It is going to be interesting to see just how much Crennell and Weiss really did mean to that team. Hell with them.

:nesucks: :nesucks: :nesucks:
well, i'm one dolphins fan who would prefer we beat them with their best players available... would be a much better and measuring stick and far more satisfying ...
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