I've been scouting this board a bit and I've observed that most of you are very excited over the prospect of signing Drew Brees.
I was wondering, if Both Brees and Rivers were Free-Agents, which would you take.
I personally think letting Brees go will be one of the biggest mistakes in our franchises history. You might be surprised though that I'm a minority, most of the people on the Chargers' board have all but accepted our GMs stance and are ready for Philip Rivers. In fact I think there are more Brees fans on here then on our board.
In any case I wanted to see how some of you felt. The two-time pro-bowler or the fourth overall pick of 2004?
I was wondering, if Both Brees and Rivers were Free-Agents, which would you take.
I personally think letting Brees go will be one of the biggest mistakes in our franchises history. You might be surprised though that I'm a minority, most of the people on the Chargers' board have all but accepted our GMs stance and are ready for Philip Rivers. In fact I think there are more Brees fans on here then on our board.
In any case I wanted to see how some of you felt. The two-time pro-bowler or the fourth overall pick of 2004?