Brockermeyer was cheap in 2002 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Brockermeyer was cheap in 2002


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
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Broncos | Brockermeyer Contract Details - posted at KFFL (
12:39 PT: Len Pasquarelli for reports the deal signed by OT Blake Brockermeyer with the Denver Broncos last week may be very deceiving. The deal signed was for 8 years at $34.905 million total. Brockermeyer will collect his signing bonus of $700,000 and base salary this season of $650,000, but everything else is contingent upon his rehab from off-season shoulder and knee surgeries and his winning a starting position. Brockermeyer has a base salary of $650,000 in 2003 then the base salaries escalate $2.6 million every year after. The Broncos are very unlikely to pay a backup a multi-million contract annually.
Was the whole SB $700,000 or just the portion he gets this year? I am confused over that aspect of the deal, but I can't remember many $35M contracts with only 700K SB.

I have to see the exact dollar amounts to see if it was a good deal or not. Looks like Denver may have lied to Ephiram Salaam tho! Promised him the job when they signed him! hehe
Originally posted by Bodzilla29
Was the whole SB $700,000 or just the portion he gets this year? I am confused over that aspect of the deal, but I can't remember many $35M contracts with only 700K SB.

I have to see the exact dollar amounts to see if it was a good deal or not. Looks like Denver may have lied to Ephiram Salaam tho! Promised him the job when they signed him! hehe
the $700,000 would be prorated over 8 years, so around 100K in 2002. The minute he gets cut, then Denver eats the remaining portion of the bonus - though there is that June 1st deferral thing :rolleyes:
I think the signing bonus works like this, but I could be wrong.

1. The player gets the SB all right away
2. The team gets it against the cap evenly threw out the years of the contract
3. if the player is traded or cut, the remainder of the SB is put on the cap that year. (the team trading the player takes 100% the SB cap hit)

but I was wrong once before, so take this info at your own risk.
we should have signed brockermeyer...he is better than smith or spriggs...then again smith or spriggs is an upgrade over falou...
Originally posted by jd13
we should have signed brockermeyer...he is better than smith or spriggs...then again smith or spriggs is an upgrade over falou...

Brockermeyer is less healthy than Smith and Spriggs. Brockermeyer might not be ready to practice till late August or Septmber. Smart move not signing him.
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