I agree with most of this interview. Turner apparently did play a role so thats the only part i disagree with.
I think that it could have been solved as simple as telling someone like a Vet or Philban. Kept everything internal in the locker room, everybody keeps their jobs, the O-line (even though is wasnt great before) doesnt get torn to shreds and thrown to the lions with guys who really arent starters in the NFL.
Its the same as just messing with your friend, if you take a shot at him and he laughs it off no harm done. If you take a shot and he doesnt like it and laughs it off how do you know you hurt the guy. If he doesnt say anything its just fun and games to the guys taking the cracks. I would bet that Incog did the same things to Poucey and Jerry and vice versa but they took it as jokes and not personal. Yes ritchie, poucey, and jerry were at fault but Martin needs to wake up and say something to them man to man not to the media after he is miles away living with mommy and daddy.
I wont go as far as to condone the behavior but I agree it carried on, grew exponentially, and Martin was largely to blame. It pains me to stand on this side of the issue because I have personal experience with depression in my family and I feel for Martin so very much. That pain he was feeling, that suffering; ive witnessed it and its effects firsthand. But it was that mental illness that did not allow him to handle the situation tactfully.
The report repeats- and boy does it do that in extreme redundancy in all facets- that Martin admits to being terrified to speak to coaches because he was afraid of being caught snitching. He couldnt summon the courage of risking being ostracized and facing even worse bullying but then he snitched on a stage so large that it could easily jeopardize the livelihood of 4 entities Martin included. Thats the illness. The illness does not allow one to handle a situation step by step. Its a slow turmoil of gathering of negativity and an internal festering until the point that normal becomes self hatred and it will reach a boiling point either at work, at Thanksgiving, or alone with pills in a bed room.
Incognito has buried himself and he deserves it. How can you be dumb enough to continue to be an idiot in the NFL when you have already been in a negative national spot light not once but twice. And he's also not to blame because how could he have really known the turmoil he was causing Martin? If Martin goes to his friend and says you are doing this to me. Please, dial it down. If that happens and Incognito continues then Incognito is an even bigger weakling than Martin. Then he is truly a bully. Then he is truly scum. But we will never know if Incognito would have helped Martin because Martin's illness made him unable to cope with his anxiety, fears, and that knowledge, the torture of being self aware affected his performance in a work environment. He could not solve his issue in the locker room and he was clearly failing on the gridiron.
I am not surprised that Incognito and the rest of them would behave in this manner. Ive seen jocks of their kind do this and they are the worst kind because the moment they hit on the comment that knifes you- in this situation being Martin's sister- they dont tone it down. They floor the pedal. And if you cant put a stop to it, thats on you, not anyone else.
I have to continue to repeat myself in posting that the main focus in this matter should apply to the behavior in the work place. I dont care what illness or toughness you posses, you shouldnt have to go to work and deal with **** because people can get away with being dik$. We've all had days when you could screw around with anyone in the office (most likely pay Fridays) and we've all had days where you'd f@cking take a flame-thrower to the building if it wouldnt cost your freedom. But no one should
have to deal with it. Now, this wrong will be righted.
The wrongs Martin has committed due to his illness has affected how many people? How many? This entire situation is his fault. Its unfair, man, because i tell you- depression is a monster and severe depression can cost you your life. But it doesnt take away from the fact that Martin was the source. Martin held his future in his hands. Martin decided to take that future, let it morph into a bomb, and then strapped it to himself inside the Miami Dolphins' house. This explosion and the casualties that will follow is the result.