But but but…. Quit whining! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

But but but…. Quit whining!


Scout Team
Apr 12, 2005
Reaction score
Bahhhhhhh! This team is BAD. We couldnt win at home against a 0-3 team with lots of second team players. I just dont see the talent on either side. We, the poor fans deserve a personal apology from everyone involved in this failure. There goes season number x at being complete garbage. I made a promise to myself today. I will never ever let the offseason devils of the NFL win on me. The NFL have a business model of making all of us the fool fans, to believe the hype so we can spend money on our team. Until we actually have a coach a QB and a GM with three neurons and a pair of balls, I wont even pay attention to the offseason. To bad this site has so many wonderful people that put money and time into a losing franchise with no direction. You don’t deserve this. We don’t deserve this. The best gift I will give my son is to let him choose an NFL team that has some future, I don’t want him to grow as a frustrated loser as I did. Different year, same ole story. Dolphins are extinguising as animals and fans.
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