I hate to sacrifice our 2013 season after only 8 games. But what happened with this Martin-Incogito saga tells me 1) Jim Turner ordered the "Code Red". 2)Martin knew the Coaches were in on this and had no one to turn to but his agent. 3) Martin left the team (perhaps at the advise of his parents). Now I am hearing and reading that Martin's agent Kenny Zuckerman went to Jeff Ireland to voice his concern and all Ireland could suggest is for Martin to ASSAULT Richie Incognito. Really??? Seriously???? Now the Dolphins are going to get sued and I am sure Mr. Ross has already been notified of this. So I ask ALL OF YOU. If some coaches knew about the "code red" and Jeff ireland was told about the harassment, how in God's name does Joe Philbin not know? And if Philbin knew before Martin finally walked out, then Philbin went before the camera and LIED to the entire country. So here is what is going to happen. The NFL will notify the Dolphins of the impending suspension of Jim Turner, Jeff Ireland and Joe Philbin. Stephen Ross will then hold a press conference announcing the firing OR resignations of Philbin and Ireland. It is anyone's guess who the interim Coach will be. My guess will be Kevin Coyle because so far he seems to be the only one who's hands are clean right now. Then we as true Dolphin fans who know what and who it takes to get this franchise back to respectability will be dancing in the streets. Heck, I think I may be going to church next week.