Call me superstitious... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Call me superstitious...


The Human Bullet
Sep 2, 2001
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...but this is my official no injury thread.

Tomorrow we start full squad, full pads, full hitting.

Last year we lost Smith on the first day.

So here goes...

Yadda yadda yadda....nooooooooooo injuries...yabba dabba do.

Add your own little saying to ward off the evil. :D


sllibehthtiwnwod --- stejehthtiwnwod --- satpehthtiwnwod -- No injuries -- HOLLA !!!
I'm gonna go out on a limb, and say that, (You guys are NEVER gonna guess WHO will get hurt on the first practice) Alonzo"The human potato chip II, and I am JUST being Alonzo" Mayes will be the first. I know, big risk there!!
Yatil Green and Daryl Gardener are no longer on the team, I don't think severe injuries will be too much of a problem this fall.
"shayang-showicka-patasertik-dinkelroop"Let all injuries be insignificant ,live long and prosper, naanoo naanoo,and finally the curse is over!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you really want to do something,,then God, not vodoo junk..
His will be done. Hopefully He has favor on the Dolphins and no serious injuries will occur.
MDFINFAN, don't go getting all serious on me, this was just for fun.
Judging by recent seasons...

Originally posted by MDFINFAN
If you really want to do something,,then God, not vodoo junk..
His will be done. Hopefully He has favor on the Dolphins and no serious injuries will occur.

the almighty's proclivities in the realm of football are more akin to those of Pete Prisco than any Dolphan. I suggest getting Wayne Campbell to organise things in the "if you book them, they will come" stylie. :lol: :lol: :lol:

"If you sign them, they will play"
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Ricky Williams-

"If this team stays injury free, I dont see why we couldn't win all of our games."
This week and next scare me more than any other time. The players all aren't in football shape, but they are doing 2 a days. I haven't hear of any injuries from the first practice so lets all focus on tonights and hope we make it through the first day.
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