Calm down Dolfans,Calm down... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Calm down Dolfans,Calm down...


Feb 18, 2008
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Some of you(who shall remain nameless) have been freaking out over certain players(Vontae).This is the FIRST pre-season game,theres three more to go.

Yes,Sean Smith was the best player on defense today,but that doesnt necessarily mean Vontaes a bust,just because he was picked 36 spots earlier.

Vontae just made some "young guy mistakes",which is what Sparano has been telling the press all camp long,and he will eventually grow out of it,so just relax.
Didn't see the game but -- see my post last week on intellect... IQ really matters.
The first PS game is a glorified scrimage. Some players showed well, others not so well, We'll see in the next few weeks.
well vontae looked like he has some attitude ajustments to make. like blantently pass interferring on a 3rd down and then laughing about it like it was just a joke.
well vontae looked like he has some attitude ajustments to make. like blantently pass interferring on a 3rd down and then laughing about it like it was just a joke.

Players react differently to making mistakes. None are right or wrong.

Would you feel better if he cried? :)
Players react differently to making mistakes. None are right or wrong.

Would you feel better if he cried? :)

Wrong. There are right and wrong way to react to making mistakes. Vontae's reaction reeks of immaturity or character flaws. Can this corrected? Perhaps, should this NEED to be corrected in a 1st round selection? NO.

Watching his demeanor on during the game was frankly disgusting, and reminded me of Vernon (his brother, million dollar talent with a 5 cent head).

Compare Vontae's conduct with that of Smith's, just watching the interview with Bokamper shows the difference between a future all pro, and a future pain in butt.
Wrong. There are right and wrong way to react to making mistakes. Vontae's reaction reeks of immaturity or character flaws. Can this corrected? Perhaps, should this NEED to be corrected in a 1st round selection? NO.

Watching his demeanor on during the game was frankly disgusting, and reminded me of Vernon (his brother, million dollar talent with a 5 cent head).

Compare Vontae's conduct with that of Smith's, just watching the interview with Bokamper shows the difference between a future all pro, and a future pain in butt.
I mostly agree with you. There absolutely are right ways to react. You might be being a little bit too harsh seeing as how this is Vontae's first game in the big leagues, I mean he should be having a good time and I'll excuse him this time if he's a little giddy from the experience. If this carries over to the regular season, then we have a problem.
I think that Vontae played pretty good. He didn't let up any big plays and just made a couple of mental mistakes. He'll learn guys, he's just a rookie.
Vontae is a year long project at the least and an expensive migraine headache at the most.
Wrong. There are right and wrong way to react to making mistakes. Vontae's reaction reeks of immaturity or character flaws. Can this corrected? Perhaps, should this NEED to be corrected in a 1st round selection? NO.

Watching his demeanor on during the game was frankly disgusting, and reminded me of Vernon (his brother, million dollar talent with a 5 cent head).

Compare Vontae's conduct with that of Smith's, just watching the interview with Bokamper shows the difference between a future all pro, and a future pain in butt.

LOL, you gotta be joking.

I've seen Marino laghing with Duper after an int. Saw Shula laughing after a busted play. Even saw Saint Vince laughing after a missed 4th down conversion. There are MANY others.

Gess they did not read your right and wrong way to react.

I'm dying to know how everyone is supposed to react. Please let me know. The guys I mentioned know nothing.
LOL, you gotta be joking.

I've seen Marino laghing with Duper after an int. Saw Shula laughing after a busted play. Even saw Saint Vince laughing after a missed 4th down conversion. There are MANY others.

Gess they did not read your right and wrong way to react.

I'm dying to know how everyone is supposed to react. Please let me know. The guys I mentioned know nothing.
Oh yeah.. Marino and Shula were always so happy after INTs. Ridiculous. What a strange set of examples you chose since few individuals got as pissed off as Marino and Shula after a turnover. They took winning, losing, and their performace as professionals very, very seriously. Hey man if they felt like the circumstances of a particular turnover were funny and crack a smile that's fine but it was hardly indicative of their character. The question here is that we're still trying to determine Vontae's.
I think vontae just has a small chin and big teeth so it looks like he's smiling and or laughing. He had that chinstrap pretty darn tight too.

Also, big deal if he laughed it off. Do you honestly think he wasn't upset with himself afterwards? He is an elite athlete and you don't get to that level by not taking yourself seriously. Even the elite make mistakes, and I know that I've laughed at myself for making a stupid mistake. It didn't necessarily mean I wasn't taking the situation seriously. So ease up on the guy, especially since it's his first professional game.
Vontae will learn. It's just one game. I am sure he will do some more stupid stuff, but as long as learns and doesn't get into any trouble off the field, he should be ok. A little confidence, trash talking and "swagger" can be a good thing.
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