Camarillo over the NFL's greatest overachiever | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Camarillo over the NFL's greatest overachiever


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Jul 26, 2004
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Camarillo one of the NFL's greatest overachiever

Chances are, at least one person in your family is every bit the athlete Greg Camarillo is.

Richard C. Lewis/Icon SMI
Greg Camarillo might not be the prototypical NFL receiver, but he leads the Dolphins with 372 receiving yards.
He is listed at 6-foot-1 and 190 pounds. He ran a 4.6-second 40-yard dash at his pro workout day before the draft. He wears size medium gloves.

Drive toward the illuminated light stanchions in your town on a Friday night and look through the chain-link fence. You'll see high school players who fit Camarillo's general description.

Those kids could play in the NFL, too. They almost certainly won't. If it was that easy, then Camarillo's story wouldn't be considered exceptional.

"I'm still amazed by it sometimes," Camarillo said while hunkered over a plastic plate of barbeque chicken, rice and beans at his stall in the Miami Dolphins locker room. "I wasn't supposed to be here.

"Pretty much every step of my journey I wasn't supposed to take the next step. Odds were against me. That's how my athletic career has been. I've always been the underdog, and I kind of like that."

Cam will be missed.
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Great Miami Dolphin, great teammate, great guy. Sad to see him go.

Football is a busniess and sometimes you have to make tough decisions and the choice to acquire a possible Nickel back was too great to pass up.

I wish Camarillo nothing but luck in Minnesota (except against us in week 2).
- catching every ball that comes your way
- reading defenses
- setting up DB's

can someone in your family do that? if I had a dime for every first round WR with sick athleticism who didn't do jack ****....
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