Camera in our War Room??? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Camera in our War Room???


Deep Dish Fan
Dec 22, 2004
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Any news on whether or not we will have one? Also in all the ESPN and NFL network coverage this week, have they stated which reporter will be covering the Dolphins?

Man would I love to be a fly on the wall in that room come Saturday!!
I have a feeling that ESPN will have someone in Miami reporting since its Saban's first draft and they have a high draft pick. I remember ESPN hyping JJ's first draft in Miami too. They kept showing him in the room eating nachos.
im pretty sure there will be someone in our room, LOL they'll be frustrated, and under ther eye of Saban!
There will likely be someone in our room- we have the #2 pick.

I know Sal Paolatonio (spelling???) will be covering the Niners.
I think we will because didn't we have one last year and Dave W. was the coach and then its more interesting this year than any other year for us
kingnate85 said:
Hank Goldberg?

You might be right. Thanks for the bad news and possible spoiler. Hopefully it's Mortensen. I think Miami will be VERY active in this draft. At least I'm hoping we can be. So they may assign someone better than Fat Hank, who knows NOTHING about the current state of the Dolphins and bitches about it every day.

It's an oversized hat. It's funny.
Sean Connery: "Yes I'll take The Rapists for $500 please, Alex"

Alex: "It's Therapists, not the rapists".


Sean: "Famous Titties for $500"
Alex: "It's Famous Titles!!"

:roflmao: :lol: :roflmao:
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