I think you should trust Tony Sparano when he's telling you what issues Cameron Wake might be having in practice so far. He tried to say that he thinks Cam Wake is new to the NFL and therefore having trouble adjusting to the tempo of practice.
Now keep in mind, he's not saying that Wake likes to "take it easy" in practice or anything like that. But he plays a violent position, and his athletic strength is in violent explosion (he can leap tall buildings and lift Randy Starks' freightliner). He's not supposed to turn it up to 11 and go balls out. That's how people get hurt and that's not what practice is about. Practice is about controlled bursts and fluid techniqe. Then when you get into the games and you turn it up to 11, you'll remember your technique (hopefully). In practice, you have to hit that happy medium between staying controlled and using fluid technique, and going so hard that you "flash" at people. It's tough, it doesn't come right away for a linebacker or defensive end position.
The true test of Cameron Wake's metal, will be preseason. That, IMO, is when we'll see him dial it up, go all out, and that's when we'll be able to see when/if he can beat NFL players that are also trying to go all out. If he does well there, that's step one. Step two will be translating that ability to beat players, to also being able to beat schemes and play designs.