Pouncey is a moron! He is born a moron and will always be a moron. He was a moron at UF when he decided to associate with Hernandez. He was a moron at Miami when he wore his free Hernandez hat without remorse. He is a moron for whatever his continued involvement with Hernandez and his illegal activities that made Pouncey a person of interest. Pouncey is a moron for his involvement with Bullygate and the overboard hazing of rookies. Pouncey is a moron because while the commissioner is mauling over his fate he tweets a statement that makes a joke out of Bullygate! Pouncey will continue to be a moron because leopards don't change their spots. Some people will call him a moron and some people will continue to grasp at any excuse possible to justify his moronic actions, only because they support the team he plays on and he is a slightly above average center that makes the Popularity Bowl based on name recognition and draft status. Oh well here's to seeing what this moron does next because if morons are good at one thing it is entertainment value.