42.7% of all statistics are made up the Jags are still ahead of us with the same record and a loss heads up? Every site I go on says they still lead us, it makes no sense to me. It says in the playoff rules that if 2 non divisional teams are tied then the 1st thing looked at is head to head match up, what am I missing here?
Here are the current standings after todays game
Here are the tie breaking rules
Here are the scenarios which they claim the Jags are ahead of us because they have a better conference record but on their own page it say that conference record is the 4th thing they look at.
Here are the current standings after todays game
Here are the tie breaking rules
Here are the scenarios which they claim the Jags are ahead of us because they have a better conference record but on their own page it say that conference record is the 4th thing they look at.