Actually, Spraghan is a good fit in this D at the WSLB spot opposite Seau but that is also Crowders best spot as well. Saban's problem is who do you sit ?? Crowder is better at the SSLB which prompted the move of Seau. Again, who do you sit...Crowder, Seau, ZT or Spraghan ??? Easy question to answer in my opinion..the good thing is that we do have depth, unlike the last few years. Moore is actually playing better than I thought he would, when asked to and on STs.
The good thing, is that even if we have to have Seau sit for the Buff game, we're in good shape...Basically, Saban is preparing Crowder for the fill-in LB and the 3rd down guy as well due to his better speed than Seau or Spraghan...