Can we afford to not further address the QB position this offseason? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Can we afford to not further address the QB position this offseason?


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May 20, 2002
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Are you all comfortable going into next season with the same QBs? I cant say I am.. I think we must try to further address the situation, hopefully through the draft.. A young, promising QB should be brought into the fold should Culpepper not regain form. If we simply rely on the 3 guys we have now, we may end up in the same position next year as we find ourselves today... Suffering through another disappointing season, with no hope for the future...
I agree and submit my contribution to the aforementioned exercise:

Top QB Prospects - 2007 Draft

P.S. And good luck dealing with the sea of nimrods soon to invade your thread, the Culpepper Apologists. They love their work and their work is never done...
I think this is a major question heading in to the offseason. By drafting a quarterback, either early or late, it may be an indication that Saban is not comfortable with C-Pep's long-term viability. Based on how he played this season that's certainly not a bad idea, but bringing in a young quarterback probably will not sit well with Daunte and may lead him essentially giving up on the team.

The alternative is to essentially put all our eggs in one basket and hope the last couple years have been an aberration for Daunte. Not bringing in competition should be a confidence boost for someone who seems to have a fragile pysche (doesn't everyone on our team seem to have this problem?).

Yet another crucial decision Saban will be confronted with this offseason.
I agree and submit my contribution to the aforementioned exercise:

Top QB Prospects - 2007 Draft

P.S. And good luck dealing with the sea of nimrods soon to invade your thread, the Culpepper Apologists. They love their work and their work is never done...[/quote]

Time to draft a real franchise quarterback. That's all I have to say. Cleo is a career back up, a good one. Joey is a career back up, at the CFL. Daunte IF he regains form and back to 150%, is a good SHORT TERM future QB [3-4 years], but not a franchise QB. Daunte right now is our Kurt Warner. Could be solid, but no guarantees.

Just draft a quarterback already. I want a real franchise quarterback. Tired of picking up other teams trash.
I personally wouldn't touch Jordan Palmer, Trent Edwards, or Tyler Palko...not even in the 6th or 7th rounds.

Brian Brohm is looking more and more likely to stay in school every day, with Jamarcus Russell stealing his thunder among scouts, Mario Urrutia now leaning toward sticking around, and Brian's red hot burgeoning relationship with Harry Douglas.

On the other hand, Colt Brennan looks like he is coming out and that guy has incredible tools. If someone lets him drop too far just because of June Jones' offense, I feel extremely comfortable picking him up. But, I don't think that's going to happen either.

The guy who is most likely to drop is Troy Smith. The inside word is that the guy's character is just not where you want it. He may be incident free the last year and a half to two years, but that doesn't mean he hasn't stopped hanging out with the wrong crowd or being tabbed as arrogant off the field. As a field prospect, he's as good a QB as you'll find. But he doesn't have the height you want, and the character is going to keep getting driven home on him until he ends up going later than he should.

Especially in light of Jamarcus Russell's extremely rapid ascent (I'm hearing top 10 status being bandied about for him), Colt Brennan's decision to come out, and Brady Quinn's perch position at the top of the draft as almost a sure fire lock to become a Detroit Lion. Heck, it even fits, as his nickname amongst treammates is "Blue Steel".

We'll have to see how the teams are shaking out. One look at the pro bowl squads tells ya that this has been a bad year for QBs. Some normally very stable quality names have performed like crap this year, from Jake Delhomme to Ben Roethlisberger, to Matt Hasselbeck. Byron Leftwich appears ready to be run out of town, Atlanta's getting fed up with Mike Vick, there's even now talk in Philly about the Eagles pulling a "Minnesota" on McNabb with the ancient Jeff Garcia coming in and winning them games like the ancient Brad Johnson did for a struggling Culpepper. David Carr may have worn out his welcome. Folks in Cleveland had better start rethinking their Charlie Frye expectations.

So, an influx of four first round caliber QBs, maybe five if Brohm declares, could be just what the doctor ordered for a QB-parched NFL. Or, the NFL could fool themselves into thinking two or three of them are not worthy of first round picks.

We'll see.

Keep a close eye on John Beck though. His draft stock has been strapped to a jetpack and he's shooting sky high. He had already been evaluated as a bonafied first day pick by NFL scouts before the end of the season.

1. Brady Quinn
2. Brian Brohm (if he comes out, which he probably won't)
3. Colt Brennan
4. Jamarcus Russell
5. Troy Smith (pending better info on character issues)
6. John Beck
7. Drew Stanton
8. Andre Woodson (junior, seriously thinking about coming out)
9. Kevin Kolb
10. Lester Ricard
11. Jeff Rowe
12. Tyler Palko
13. Trent Edwards
14. Jeff Ballard
15. Matt Moore
16. Jordan Palmer
Definatly. They MUST find one in the draft.

We have one of the best QB guys in the league in Randy Mueller. Nick needs to send this guy on a mission to find the best QB for this team in this draft.
I dont know about this Colt Brennan.. The last guy to put up numbers like his was Omar Jacobs and he got cut and is playing on the Eagles PS now.
I personally wouldn't touch Jordan Palmer, Trent Edwards, or Tyler Palko...not even in the 6th or 7th rounds.

Brian Brohm is looking more and more likely to stay in school every day, with Jamarcus Russell stealing his thunder among scouts, Mario Urrutia now leaning toward sticking around, and Brian's red hot burgeoning relationship with Harry Douglas.

On the other hand, Colt Brennan looks like he is coming out and that guy has incredible tools. If someone lets him drop too far just because of June Jones' offense, I feel extremely comfortable picking him up. But, I don't think that's going to happen either.

The guy who is most likely to drop is Troy Smith. The inside word is that the guy's character is just not where you want it. He may be incident free the last year and a half to two years, but that doesn't mean he hasn't stopped hanging out with the wrong crowd or being tabbed as arrogant off the field. As a field prospect, he's as good a QB as you'll find. But he doesn't have the height you want, and the character is going to keep getting driven home on him until he ends up going later than he should.

Especially in light of Jamarcus Russell's extremely rapid ascent (I'm hearing top 10 status being bandied about for him), Colt Brennan's decision to come out, and Brady Quinn's perch position at the top of the draft as almost a sure fire lock to become a Detroit Lion. Heck, it even fits, as his nickname amongst treammates is "Blue Steel".

We'll have to see how the teams are shaking out. One look at the pro bowl squads tells ya that this has been a bad year for QBs. Some normally very stable quality names have performed like crap this year, from Jake Delhomme to Ben Roethlisberger, to Matt Hasselbeck. Byron Leftwich appears ready to be run out of town, Atlanta's getting fed up with Mike Vick, there's even now talk in Philly about the Eagles pulling a "Minnesota" on McNabb with the ancient Jeff Garcia coming in and winning them games like the ancient Brad Johnson did for a struggling Culpepper. David Carr may have worn out his welcome. Folks in Cleveland had better start rethinking their Charlie Frye expectations.

So, an influx of four first round caliber QBs, maybe five if Brohm declares, could be just what the doctor ordered for a QB-parched NFL. Or, the NFL could fool themselves into thinking two or three of them are not worthy of first round picks.

We'll see.

Keep a close eye on John Beck though. His draft stock has been strapped to a jetpack and he's shooting sky high. He had already been evaluated as a bonafied first day pick by NFL scouts before the end of the season.

1. Brady Quinn
2. Brian Brohm (if he comes out, which he probably won't)
3. Colt Brennan
4. Jamarcus Russell
5. Troy Smith (pending better info on character issues)
6. John Beck
7. Drew Stanton
8. Andre Woodson (junior, seriously thinking about coming out)
9. Kevin Kolb
10. Lester Ricard
11. Jeff Rowe
12. Tyler Palko
13. Trent Edwards
14. Jeff Ballard
15. Matt Moore
16. Jordan Palmer

Dude, find yourself whatever daily rag will hire you and talk yourself into a position as a sportswriter. Sooner or later, you'll end up at a major paper. You definitely have the talent.
Nice thread. I think the most positive outlook one could take is that because so many other teams have QBs of the future, very few will be looking for one so we have few teams to compete with in the draft. Our incompetence over the years will help out by default this year or next.
I think this is a major question heading in to the offseason. By drafting a quarterback, either early or late, it may be an indication that Saban is not comfortable with C-Pep's long-term viability. Based on how he played this season that's certainly not a bad idea, but bringing in a young quarterback probably will not sit well with Daunte and may lead him essentially giving up on the team.

The alternative is to essentially put all our eggs in one basket and hope the last couple years have been an aberration for Daunte. Not bringing in competition should be a confidence boost for someone who seems to have a fragile pysche (doesn't everyone on our team seem to have this problem?).

Yet another crucial decision Saban will be confronted with this offseason.

Yeah well lets weigh the other side of that. What if Culpepper goes unchallenged and he still looks the way we did this year. That puts Miami yet another year back .

And if we draft a young guy it doesn't necessarily mean he will get thrown into the fire. I just think it is wiser to have more eggs in the basket rather than putting all your stock in a guy who did miserable this year partially due to his injury. And not have him perform well the next year. And set the team back further by having a Qb with so many question marks.

Hell if you think Culpepper is that fragile then the team needs to get rid of him now. Because he certainly will be no help to us next year if he has such a fragile state of mind.
I dont know about this Colt Brennan.. The last guy to put up numbers like his was Omar Jacobs and he got cut and is playing on the Eagles PS now.

Don't know how you can possibly compare how two Qbs will do. Just because one did not do well does not mean the other won't. Plus look at the eagles roster and who they got at the position now.

Its kind of like us with the Vick brother. He may never make it as an NFL QB but he is getting his shot at WR. And he did some time on ps too I believe.
I agree, I think that QB is the most crucial position on the field and right now we dont have a guy who can get it done. Cleo and Joey are not starters. They just arent. Cleo seems like he would be a great backup, but not a starter. And only god seems to know whats up with DC. Just seems like all the news about him is bad, how he his rehab is going really slow and about how late he might be out for.
Im not comfortable just handing him the job now based on his now several years distant probowl years. Even when he was on the field he looked unsure, lost, confused and unready, and that from a mental standpoint. I always saw DC as an experiment, as a last ditch effort to win a SB right now. Well, it didnt happen, now its time to think of the future beyond 2007. At best I always saw him as a guy who would play for us for 3-4 years. At worst, well he would be about where he is now and the experiment will be over.

Im willing to keep him and give him a shot, but not to make him our ONLY shot. We need to go after one of the young guns in the draft. First or second round certainly. We need to solidify this all important position NOW. Im tired of blowing our draft picks on other teams junk. We got our best 2 QBs from the draft, we have one of the best QB drafting GMs in Mueller, most of the best QBs in the league right now were drafted by the teams they are still on. Drafting is the way to go.

On that note, I would really be interested in CKs take on who we might draft in the first 2 rounds, if he thinks we will aim for a QB, and who might be around that we would go for. Will we take Russell at 8-10 spot, will we try and trade down for Brennen. Will we take a chance and hope Smith falls to us in the second, or perhaps go with his talent and take him as our first rounder?

Or perhaps you have some inside info that miami is leaning in a different direction?
You can't let the current QB situation dictate your draft. If a QB is the best player on the board you take him. Even if you have a franchise QB in the stable. If he looks good in preseason or gets a few starts in the reg season and looks good you have created value. If a team gets interested in him you can get picks for him. If he performs well and you want to keep him around to replace your aging franchise QB or use the older QB for trade bait you still have created value from drafting the young QB. If he busts he busts draft another one next year.
Ron Wolf’s theory of QB drafting.

The Fins biggest mistake was not drafting a QB to replace Marino. From 95 on they should have been drafting QBs.

I don't believe Joey, Cleo or Daunte are the future of this franchise. And If DC ends up being the guy then there is nothing wrong with having a young stud in the bullpen ready to takeover, it's smart team management.
I personally wouldn't touch Jordan Palmer, Trent Edwards, or Tyler Palko...not even in the 6th or 7th rounds.

Brian Brohm is looking more and more likely to stay in school every day, with Jamarcus Russell stealing his thunder among scouts, Mario Urrutia now leaning toward sticking around, and Brian's red hot burgeoning relationship with Harry Douglas.

On the other hand, Colt Brennan looks like he is coming out and that guy has incredible tools. If someone lets him drop too far just because of June Jones' offense, I feel extremely comfortable picking him up. But, I don't think that's going to happen either.

The guy who is most likely to drop is Troy Smith. The inside word is that the guy's character is just not where you want it. He may be incident free the last year and a half to two years, but that doesn't mean he hasn't stopped hanging out with the wrong crowd or being tabbed as arrogant off the field. As a field prospect, he's as good a QB as you'll find. But he doesn't have the height you want, and the character is going to keep getting driven home on him until he ends up going later than he should.

Especially in light of Jamarcus Russell's extremely rapid ascent (I'm hearing top 10 status being bandied about for him), Colt Brennan's decision to come out, and Brady Quinn's perch position at the top of the draft as almost a sure fire lock to become a Detroit Lion. Heck, it even fits, as his nickname amongst treammates is "Blue Steel".

We'll have to see how the teams are shaking out. One look at the pro bowl squads tells ya that this has been a bad year for QBs. Some normally very stable quality names have performed like crap this year, from Jake Delhomme to Ben Roethlisberger, to Matt Hasselbeck. Byron Leftwich appears ready to be run out of town, Atlanta's getting fed up with Mike Vick, there's even now talk in Philly about the Eagles pulling a "Minnesota" on McNabb with the ancient Jeff Garcia coming in and winning them games like the ancient Brad Johnson did for a struggling Culpepper. David Carr may have worn out his welcome. Folks in Cleveland had better start rethinking their Charlie Frye expectations.

So, an influx of four first round caliber QBs, maybe five if Brohm declares, could be just what the doctor ordered for a QB-parched NFL. Or, the NFL could fool themselves into thinking two or three of them are not worthy of first round picks.

We'll see.

Keep a close eye on John Beck though. His draft stock has been strapped to a jetpack and he's shooting sky high. He had already been evaluated as a bonafied first day pick by NFL scouts before the end of the season.

1. Brady Quinn
2. Brian Brohm (if he comes out, which he probably won't)
3. Colt Brennan
4. Jamarcus Russell
5. Troy Smith (pending better info on character issues)
6. John Beck
7. Drew Stanton
8. Andre Woodson (junior, seriously thinking about coming out)
9. Kevin Kolb
10. Lester Ricard
11. Jeff Rowe
12. Tyler Palko
13. Trent Edwards
14. Jeff Ballard
15. Matt Moore
16. Jordan Palmer

great post, you kinda got me on the Andre Woodson wagon now
I agree, I think that QB is the most crucial position on the field and right now we dont have a guy who can get it done. Cleo and Joey are not starters. They just arent. Cleo seems like he would be a great backup, but not a starter. And only god seems to know whats up with DC. Just seems like all the news about him is bad, how he his rehab is going really slow and about how late he might be out for.
Im not comfortable just handing him the job now based on his now several years distant probowl years. Even when he was on the field he looked unsure, lost, confused and unready, and that from a mental standpoint. I always saw DC as an experiment, as a last ditch effort to win a SB right now. Well, it didnt happen, now its time to think of the future beyond 2007. At best I always saw him as a guy who would play for us for 3-4 years. At worst, well he would be about where he is now and the experiment will be over.

Im willing to keep him and give him a shot, but not to make him our ONLY shot. We need to go after one of the young guns in the draft. First or second round certainly. We need to solidify this all important position NOW. Im tired of blowing our draft picks on other teams junk. We got our best 2 QBs from the draft, we have one of the best QB drafting GMs in Mueller, most of the best QBs in the league right now were drafted by the teams they are still on. Drafting is the way to go.

On that note, I would really be interested in CKs take on who we might draft in the first 2 rounds, if he thinks we will aim for a QB, and who might be around that we would go for. Will we take Russell at 8-10 spot, will we try and trade down for Brennen. Will we take a chance and hope Smith falls to us in the second, or perhaps go with his talent and take him as our first rounder?

Or perhaps you have some inside info that miami is leaning in a different direction?

i thought we gave our 2nd to the vikings for c-pepp??
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