Carli Lloyd Says She's Gotten Inquiries From Nfl Teams After Hitting 55-yard Fg | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Carli Lloyd Says She's Gotten Inquiries From Nfl Teams After Hitting 55-yard Fg

Fin Fan in Cali

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She’s a tremendous athlete. That 15 minute hat trick in the World Cup final 4 years ago was f***ing awesome. And kicker is undoubtedly the position where a female athlete will eventually carve their spot on an NFL roster. Anyone who can consistently hit field goals at that distance deserves a look.
Would the NFL allow a female player even if it is only a kicker
I highly doubt the NFL lets it happen. I can't imagine the backlash after someone takes a cheap shot on her.


It's all well and good from the woman's rights people if she signs but first big hit she takes the tackler gets death threats for playing football and the people who can't stand woman's rights will rub in there face that "it's football deal with it".

Meanwhile knowing Carli she may do some tackling herself lol
She awaiting til 2020 to train before giving it a serious try despite interest by teams. I love it. Shows much respect to the sport and shows she’s serious, and not just trying to make a quick PR splash. Wish her luck.

Also highly recommend her memoir. One of the best I’ve read from any athlete.
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Maybe she can sign a clause saying when I join a sport that's based on collisions... when I get bailed I won't moan, cry or start a social media hash tag or go my legal reprentatiion.
Maybe she can sign a clause saying when I join a sport that's based on collisions... when I get nailed I won't moan or cry. I also won't start a social media hash tag or go to my legal representation .
i was thinking i read the actual offer was to kick in a preseason game. i dont know that she was getting offers to be kicker1 for a team. no team is going to bring in an unexperienced late 30's female kicker to go into a season with. you let that person make history in a preseason game or if a non playoff teams has their kicker get injured in week 16 and week 17 is a throw away game, then sure.
It's impressive. I'm 6' 225lbs and couldn't kick a 30 yarder so i appreciate the skill. However, there's a whole different aspect to kicking when you don't have an extra 3 yard running start and then 7 huge guys barreling in on you.
Sorry but she would not make it as an NFL kicker from a talent standpoint. She doesn't have the leg. You don't get a running start to kick field goals in the NFL. As a kicker you get 2 steps & 1.5 seconds to get a kick off not 5 steps & 3 seconds like she did in the video.
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