Cayson Collins Pregame Ritual | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Cayson Collins Pregame Ritual

maybe some kind of weird Hulk thing going on with the green and purple lol? definitely an odd one
I try to do two things in a row.

1) I try to find something to do so I don't go nuts waiting for the game to start.
2) I try not to get so distracted being distracted that I miss the first part of the game.

At my age, this is not as easy to do as it sounds. I screw up on step 2 more than I care to admit.
up until the year 2016 PM (pre marriage), I had a half time ritual of drinking das boot during the 15 minute intermission. if I didn't have people over and grilling out, my only pregame rituals were take a piss and smoke a cig in those last 2 minutes before kickoff. lived half mile off the road in the country so I could knock out both at the same time.
I like to be done with lunch before the game starts. I normally have the remote in my hand or close by even thought I won't change the channel
If the team is winning I do nothing. If the offense is not playing well then I turn the light on so the offense can see better.
When the other team has the ball I turn the light off so they can't see what they're doing.

Mind you none of this works as we haven't won in 45 years....):
My pre game ritual is I record the game and spend the morning at church. Then when I get home it's usually in the second quarter so I can then watch the game without commercials until the end. While I'm watching the recorded game I watch the score live on my phone so I can know what to expect. If Miami is losing I try not to watch it until after the game is over that way I can keep from getting angry. Helps my blood pressure lol.

Man, this has to be a generational thing - Ive tried watching this cartoon, along with others, and I dont find any of them to be remotely funny! To each his own, I guess!

As to the rituals, when I played baseball as a young person, and then fastpitch softball until recently, I listened to heavy metal prior to the game or during breaks at tournaments - Sabbath, Maiden, Slayer, Pantera (RIP Vinny)...Tool
I don't do much only I hate pre-game so much nowadays I avoid it like the plague. I defer the TV to the kids until about 5 of 1, then it's mine. Sometimes my distraction is obsessing over my fantasy football roster but I'm growing to dislike fantasy as well.
Pretty simple ritual. I’m not as sure it’s about being superstitious about the team winning as it is for me enjoying the day. So for each game I...

1. Eat chicken. Usually chicken strips or fried chicken
2. Drink PBR
3. Have some rum at some point
4. Swear a lot

This season might be different as my daughter will be 2 1/2 and I’m grooming her to like the Fins. I might have to tone it back a notch.
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