Don't see a link for this anywhere yet, but I just "watched" Chad on ESPN via telephone call and I felt like I just got done watching a 12 year old ramble on for 5 minutes. Before I go any further, I must say that I have been a HUGE 85 fan. Personally, I do think he is the best WR in the game today. Ocho is hilarious and earlier this winter I was truly hoping the Parcells would have made that call as CJ so eloquently requested. However, after what I just saw....I'm beginning to think "no thanks".
Selfish Chad has started appear slowly over these past months. I know many will say such an attitude has always been there. Something is different though as of late. This isn't the ole' 85 who was all jokes and smiles. He announced in this interview that he could care less about what the fans think of him, actually he laughed and acted like such a notion was an insult or joke. Instead, he informed America that his primary concern was Chad and Chad alone.
When asked what he will do once mandantory camps open up, his response (paraphrased): "come to camp and embarass anyone who tries to cover me." The difference with this comment as opposed to similar ones he made in the past....this time he's talking about his teammates....and he is no longer smiling.
That's got to make you feel good if you share a locker room with him.
Selfish Chad has started appear slowly over these past months. I know many will say such an attitude has always been there. Something is different though as of late. This isn't the ole' 85 who was all jokes and smiles. He announced in this interview that he could care less about what the fans think of him, actually he laughed and acted like such a notion was an insult or joke. Instead, he informed America that his primary concern was Chad and Chad alone.
When asked what he will do once mandantory camps open up, his response (paraphrased): "come to camp and embarass anyone who tries to cover me." The difference with this comment as opposed to similar ones he made in the past....this time he's talking about his teammates....and he is no longer smiling.
That's got to make you feel good if you share a locker room with him.