Chambers weaknes | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Chambers weaknes


Practice Squad
Aug 8, 2005
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I think its not that hard to see that if the ball isnt thrown high or where he can make a circus catch he cant cath it. Throwing low is where I see him catch the least. I thihnk he can work on theses weaknesses. They should be easy to overcome. Until he does please try to keep the ball high
I just think he's lost confident. He's not acting like he's 100 percent sure he'll make the catch and take it to the house. He's not putting it in his mind like Moss, Owens, Harrison that this ball is HIS despite the defender the spite it thrown off target. I think he feels that he may drop it, or it is too difficult to catch and as a number 1 reciever in the NFL you just cant do that if you want to be elite.
or maybe like saban said yesterday when you ae constantly saying to yourself that your this good and that good, you lose focus on just trying to beat they
guy in front of you or making the play. I think he hit it on the spot with this. Im glad to see saban is on top of everything andeveyone, I trust saban will turn chambers around just like, he will every player.
He's never been the same since he got his head taken off in Denver, a couple of years ago.
ccphinfan said:
He's never been the same since he got his head taken off in Denver, a couple of years ago.

I dont agree I just think he thinks hes the ****, and that takes his mind of making the eays plays the should be a given
He needs to make all the catches. Or, cough up the # 1 job and the #1 money.
hollywood316 said:
I dont agree I just think he thinks hes the ****, and that takes his mind of making the eays plays the should be a given
I still think getting his brain disconnected in Denver, screws with his concentration over the middle...alligator arms.
  • Plain and simple.... Chambers weakness is between his ears.
  • He plays soft...not because he is physically weak but because his mentallity is not about toughness.
  • He takes plays off... again this is not physical..... he pouts... he is too much about poor me.
  • He fails to rise up to the challenge.... not physical.... he lacks concentration at key times.
  • He is comfortable... once he got his money.... and good money it was at the time.... Chambers fell into a comfort zone... he got stroked by DW and the blame was always about the QB's inabilities and Chambers huge "potential"
  • He does not demand the ball.... with his mouth... yes.... with his
  • He is a type B... when todays NFL is all about type A's at his position.
I think blaming the hit on chambers in denver is just another lame excuse fans use to excuse chambers play. I see no difference between his play before or after that hit...
Saban2005 said:
I think blaming the hit on chambers in denver is just another lame excuse fans use to excuse chambers play. I see no difference between his play before or after that hit...
Making no excuses for Chambers...i could care less. I think we need a real #1, he MIGHT make a good #2
thedayafter said:
  • Plain and simple.... Chambers weakness is between his ears.
  • He plays soft...not because he is physically weak but because his mentallity is not about toughness.
  • He takes plays off... again this is not physical..... he pouts... he is too much about poor me.
  • He fails to rise up to the challenge.... not physical.... he lacks concentration at key times.
  • He is comfortable... once he got his money.... and good money it was at the time.... Chambers fell into a comfort zone... he got stroked by DW and the blame was always about the QB's inabilities and Chambers huge "potential"
  • He does not demand the ball.... with his mouth... yes.... with his
  • He is a type B... when todays NFL is all about type A's at his position.

Yes, we are in complete agreement!!

He is the complete opposite of a physical wideout like Hines Ward or Eric Moulds, or even the not so talented, but very tough Keyshaun....
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