Channel 4 broadcast | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Channel 4 broadcast


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Nov 18, 2006
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The audio on the game broadcast was very poor. The was some kind of feedback during the transmission that would go away during the commercials.
Hopefully CH4 miami will get that cleaned up.
Is is me or is the banter between Griese and Moore getting pretty stale.
I think Nat does a good job but Griese talks like he is getting senile. He losses track of what he is talking about in mid-sentence.
I love Griese from his playing days but I might be time for a new guy to go with Nat in the booth to do the color.
It's freakin painful to watch. Griese is hands down one of the worst announcers ever. We need to start a petition to get him outta there.
It's freakin painful to watch. Griese is hands down one of the worst announcers ever. We need to start a petition to get him outta there.

Griese isn't that bad with college but he is HORRIBLE in Dolphins preseason . . . I dunno, I mean literally it is almost night and day.
I really enjoyed listening to him call Ernest Wilford 'Wilfork' forty thousand times.
Bob qb'd half as many super bowl victories and is half as irritating to listen to as Terry Bradshaw. Coincidence?
Griese sounded a little drunk last night. I wonder if the early afternoon college games do not allow enough time in the day to get too drunk beforehand...
I really enjoyed listening to him call Ernest Wilford 'Wilfork' forty thousand times.

Yeah seriously. Griese needs to go. The other guys are fine.

The audio did have a lot of static.
Griese is really bad.....

So was channel 4. What does it take for them to realize the game comes first.
Missed plays and the three stooges talking to Mr superbowl promoter for six minutes of the 4th qtr.

Channel 4 please get a clue.....

Bobby love you man, but I think you been hit in the head to many times.......ah-ha....

Hello Channel 4, try to focus on the Game. unbelievable.
Griese is really bad.....

So was channel 4. What does it take for them to realize the game comes first.
Missed plays and the three stooges talking to Mr superbowl promoter for six minutes of the 4th qtr.

Channel 4 please get a clue.....

Bobby love you man, but I think you been hit in the head to many times.......ah-ha....

Hello Channel 4, try to focus on the Game. unbelievable.

I was thinking the same thing! They also felt the need to put up dumb graphics between plays right up until (and sometimes after) the snap of the ball. I personally like to use the time pre-snap to look at who is in the game, where they are on the field and the offensive or defensive pre-snap look... especially in the preseason.
This is ALL very true. The thing that bothers me most is that half the time they don't mention who made the tackle or specifically who the player was that got the pressure on the QB. If the cameras are too fast for you to get the player's number, you may never know who it was.
Griese isn't that bad with college but he is HORRIBLE in Dolphins preseason . . . I dunno, I mean literally it is almost night and day.

He does no prep work for Dolphins can tell...he just "wings" it. If you listen to the college games, he is much more competent. I think that he is doing it "on the cheap" here locally, and if they pressed him to do a real broadcast, they would have to pay him for real too.

I could be wrong about the reasons...I am just guessing...
The production quality is pitiful. It has been for years. Watch other local feeds and see that most cities do a hell of a lot better with their preseason games. The ineptitude involved in making it so unprofessional is pretty remarkable.
The ineptitude involved in making it so unprofessional is pretty remarkable.


Kinda reminds me of congress.....
although congress would need 2 promotions to be that out of touch.
Well at least this 3rd and most important preseason game is on fox, and being done by the big national fox. It should be of great quality.
see and my wifey thought i am just crazy when im yelling at the tv like Hello how the hell am i supposed to watch a play with the camera on the qb's face the who time.....

then im like hey you dumb blazing morons there is a game going on here STFU who cares about the superbowl coming to miami and what color silly string your gonna hand out CALL THE F-ING GAME Small talk during the huddles and after the plays .. These jerks sat there yapping like there wasn't a game going on ..

OMG thats why i much rather be at the game in the upper deck
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