Coach Campbell's locker room speech | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Coach Campbell's locker room speech


Let's go Dolphins
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Feb 29, 2008
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Nice comeback win. Someone forget to tell the players our season was over :)

Nice comeback win. Someone forget to tell the players our season was over :)

I'm going to give the player's intelligence some credit and assume they know.
Their season is never over until the last game.

They get incentive bonuses and their next contracts, and/or next team are all based on their productivity whether they get to the playoffs or not.

It was a good game. Hopefully they keep playing the young lbers more & more.
Always hear about his intensity inside the locker room, but this is the first time I've really seen it. I wish he'd be more like this on the sidelines
Good to see some of the younger guys step up.
Definitely a good showing by the team to hang tight when it mattered the most in the end. An ugly game, and an ugly win, but sometimes that's what you're gonna get served on Sunday.
The guys didn't quit in the 4th, they kept getting after it and causing disruption for Sanchez. Offense, they finally got the ball moving out from their own 20 -- finally get out of that safety-spook that's been haunting this squad now.
Love that hes very Ra-Ra about this team.

Too bad its too late.
Can't say he does not care. He wants it for the entire organization and not himself...that is a reason I pull for him. Selfless guy in a tough, tough spot.
If we can get back to 5-5 at home in Miami this season isn't over yet. Every week is a survival game.

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If that doesn't make you miss playing football nothing will.


The yelling of names of everyone who played well post-game is one of the stupid little things that makes football great.
Best post game I've seen yet I think. Nice to see Tanny take em out. Saw Bradford wince off the field (xrays negative) and our guy take a beating and continue to hang in there as always. Dude is tough, no doubt there.
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