Not surprised the NFL settled. Settlements are par for the course. NFL is reasonable.
I am surprised that Colin settled, he's the one that has been unreasonable throughout the process, so the settlement on his part comes as a shock. Good news in my eyes to rehabing him as a person. He is not complete and utter garbage, there is something to work with in that head.
This suggests otherwiseI doubt he's changed his views. I think he just realized that he didn't have a case. Don't know who was paying his lawyers, which also might have played a role in this settling.
This suggests otherwise
Yep.Pretty much this:
1. NFL absolutely colluded against Kap.
2. Still extremely difficult to fully prove from Kap’s perspective.
3. NFL wants all of this to go away. Kap proved to be a bigger adversary then they ever imagined. Definitely took a hit on their brand.
4. The reported number the NFL threw Kap was likely enough to just be done with the drain on mentality/resources fighting these guys and would speak volumes about the case Kap had, desite not getting an official judgement.