Commentary: NFL:The Reality about Morality | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Commentary: NFL:The Reality about Morality

Great article. I am and have always been behind the team, but I just can't get behind Ricky on this one. I have been burned too many times in life when giving someone a third chance. I know this is his second chance here, but it is his third chance in the NFL to show that he is dedicated.

If he can come in and show he is dedicated to the team over the next 2 or 3 years, then I may change my mind. Notice I said dedicated and not productive. If he is just simply willing to do what is asked of him and not be what he was for 3 years, that will, somewhat, prove to me that his heart is back in the locker room and not on himself.
Sorry dude if I don't cry for ricky because teams make money off of players. The only reason i can forgive and forget is because he was a ****** before he got here. His elevator never has reached the top floor and probably never will. You can't blame people like that forever...
gregp65 said:
My personal belief is that everyone makes mistakes and deserves a second chance in life. With that being said, Ricky has already failed three drug tests. He has had his second chance.

I don't believe he deserves any more chances. If he had a job like everyone else, he would have been terminated a long time ago. There is no way I can ever respect him as a person again, even if he leads us to the super bowl.

For those of you that think Ricky deserves another chance, you probably didn't have a problem with Clinton having sexual relations in the oval office either. Some people should be held to a higher standard, especially high paid athletes.

Excellent comment brother. The millions of the Hulkamaniacs worldwide respect you!
gregp65 said:
My personal belief is that everyone makes mistakes and deserves a second chance in life. With that being said, Ricky has already failed three drug tests. He has had his second chance.

I don't believe he deserves any more chances. If he had a job like everyone else, he would have been terminated a long time ago. There is no way I can ever respect him as a person again, even if he leads us to the super bowl.

For those of you that think Ricky deserves another chance, you probably didn't have a problem with Clinton having sexual relations in the oval office either. Some people should be held to a higher standard, especially high paid athletes.
Thanks for the comments. I repsect everyones view and I appreciate the feedback.
The comparison to us losing our jobs is not accurate. First of all how many of us have people walking and regular basis and testing our urine? If so how many would be clean? Why ar ethey held to a higher standard when all they do is a play game and the rest of us cure illnes, teach the children, and build or society?

What makes these athtletes held to a higher standard? I am sorry but the comparison of someone who plays a game and is basically and entertainer to the Presidency is wrong. This is the skewed kind of perspective I am precisely talking about. No one cares when a rock star gets high or even arrested, but is Ricky different? Not really.
I prefer to serve up parents, teachers, firefighters, etc. as hero and role models. Not spoiled athletes who are so far removed from reality that none of them have a clue what the working people of this land do.

Ricky screwed up. It was a victimless crime and it hurt no one more than Ricky. Our continuing to place resentment on him, like his importance as a man is greater than what it is, just seems misguided. I mean after all what was Ricky to you before he became a Dolphin? What is Ray Lewis to you? Or any other of the many athletes who have been in and out of trouble most of them way worse than smoking a little pot. Nothing. But as soon as they play for OUR team than we feel entitled. Wrong way to look at it.

The point of the article is that morality based on the imoral and over blown world of milllionaire man children is ill placed responsibility. Not only is Ricky corrupt, but the whole institution is. And as long as we accpet it as a past time and a sport, then you accpet it for all of it's pagon principals. And little of it has to do with loyalty or obligation. It all has to do with money. Ricdky is just another piece.

That's just the way it is.
gregp65 said:
My personal belief is that everyone makes mistakes and deserves a second chance in life. With that being said, Ricky has already failed three drug tests. He has had his second chance.

I don't believe he deserves any more chances. If he had a job like everyone else, he would have been terminated a long time ago. There is no way I can ever respect him as a person again, even if he leads us to the super bowl.

For those of you that think Ricky deserves another chance, you probably didn't have a problem with Clinton having sexual relations in the oval office either. Some people should be held to a higher standard, especially high paid athletes.

Alright.. Now although Ricky did blow his second chance... and his third. Let's get this straight, Ricky doesn't have a job like everyone else. You cannot compare his job to everyone else's job... That's stupid. Being paid to win football games is different than being paid to fix computers... Face the facts, when your famous, things will slide for you, look at Michael Jackson. You say he doesn't deserve a second chance. Well, do the owners really give a care if they're winning games? Nah, they don't. As far as I'm concerned, Ricky Williams is just fine for coming back. You can say, oh your young and stupid. But that'd be just an excuse for insecurity. So to end this. Ricky's job, it ain't like "everybody elses" and if it wasn't for his TALENT, I'm sure he wouldn't get another chance. And not to mention, his disease didn't exactly help at all, I forget what it's called, some kinda depression....
Good article and definitely to the point. I was disgusted with Ricky when he left and voiced my opinion about it on several occassions. However, I find myself not only starting to welcome him back, but wanting him to suceed and prove that he has the desire to overcome his off the field issues. I will bash Ricky no more. He is wearing the Aqua and Orange and we as fans should be happy for that.
First of all when a decision to trade, cut or release a player is made it's whats best for the team as a whole,in RW case( retiring-quitting) it was whats best for Ricky and screw the team(selfishness).As for Patrick it was cause we couldn't afford to pay him not that we didn't want to.We also needed the salery cap room to sign our up coming picks,again whats best for the team.Notice the team theme going here.So I will cheer on my Dolphins whoever playing I just won't be cheering for Williams by name.That's all I just don't have any respect for RW, judging? maybe that's just the way I feel.About forgiving RW sure no problem but it doesn't mean I have to welcome him with open arms.JMO right or wrong it's how I feel.
PHINATIC13 said:
First of all when a decision to trade, cut or release a player is made it's whats best for the team as a whole,in RW case( retiring-quitting) it was whats best for Ricky and screw the team(selfishness).As for Patrick it was cause we couldn't afford to pay him not that we didn't want to.We also needed the salery cap room to sign our up coming picks,again whats best for the team.Notice the team theme going here.So I will cheer on my Dolphins whoever playing I just won't be cheering for Williams by name.That's all I just don't have any respect for RW, judging? maybe that's just the way I feel.About forgiving RW sure no problem but it doesn't mean I have to welcome him with open arms.JMO right or wrong it's how I feel.

I see a theme here. Team can do whatever they want but the players cant. seems people are quick to make excuses for the team but wont cut the players any slack.
And for the record I bet more than half of the posters on here smoke and or have smoked more pot than Ricky ever has...How does that make you better than him??
larfo2224 said:
Good article and definitely to the point. I was disgusted with Ricky when he left and voiced my opinion about it on several occassions. However, I find myself not only starting to welcome him back, but wanting him to suceed and prove that he has the desire to overcome his off the field issues. I will bash Ricky no more. He is wearing the Aqua and Orange and we as fans should be happy for that.

I find it funny people talking about their high moral ground when they dont even look at themselves. Just becuase your not highly visible in society, doesnt make you above someone else morally. Every one on this friggin sight hated wanny and so did Ricky, he smoked and knew he was doomed. Does it matter whether he quit or not? he would not have been able to play.

Now he will be piss tested every month. So the stakes are high, but the chances are unlikely anyways that we make a splash. So people can hold Ricky responsible all they want, but if you hold a grudge so strong, to me, that makes you a little bit over the top. Forgiveness is the hardest thing to do. I hated when Ricky quit. Even talking about this now makes me a little sick to my stomach, but i do believe in second chances, and I like our chances with Saban here controlling the whole deal. Saban is not liked. But its funny, his cohort in Bill Belechik who wears dingy clothes on the sideline is a great guy. Its a funny world we live in.
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