Read that article and tell me you aren't concerned about having just paid a guy a long-term, multi-million-dollar contract who has that kind of attitude. I was concerned about McMichael's attitude BEFORE the contract -- now I'm doubly concerned.
I know he's a great player, but he doesn't seem to be the kind of guy Saban would use as a cornerstone in developing the character he wants this team to have. So why the contract now? Why not see what you get from him the rest of the year (or at least most of the year) first?
With McMichael's past (dancing with cheerleaders during a game, key fumbles, off-the-field problems), I thought the contract was pretty hasty. I mean this guy could self-destruct at some point.
Read that article and tell me you aren't concerned about having just paid a guy a long-term, multi-million-dollar contract who has that kind of attitude. I was concerned about McMichael's attitude BEFORE the contract -- now I'm doubly concerned.
I know he's a great player, but he doesn't seem to be the kind of guy Saban would use as a cornerstone in developing the character he wants this team to have. So why the contract now? Why not see what you get from him the rest of the year (or at least most of the year) first?
With McMichael's past (dancing with cheerleaders during a game, key fumbles, off-the-field problems), I thought the contract was pretty hasty. I mean this guy could self-destruct at some point.