Contacting potential coaches and timing w/Playoffs | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Contacting potential coaches and timing w/Playoffs


Jan 6, 2006
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Fleetwood, PA
Ok we were able to talk to Cameron and Riveria up until last Sunday, my understanding is that they are now off limits until after they are eliminated from the playoffs. What does this mean to our coaching search ? If we really liked what we saw from Cameron but also liked say Mora Jr, do we risk waiting until after the Chargers are eliminated (possibly after the Superbowl) to do second interviews and make an offer ? What if the guy we liked that is avaialable is gone by then and we don't get a warm fuzzy from the guy we waited to interview the second time around ? I understand the NFL doesn't want playoff teams distracted but they really hurt chances for assitants on those teams to get top head coaching jobs.
I see it the other way around, what if we rush into hiring a guy because we are afraid he'll take another job and miss out on a guy that is in the playoffs. If Mora takes another job, then so be it. Besides, I think that people are down on Mora right now because he got canned and the whole "Washington is my dream job" stuff.
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