contacting the mods | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

contacting the mods


Miami Dolphin Columnist in the Making
Jun 20, 2004
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O Town
i would like to contact the mods in regards to writting columns or reports on dolphin football. i am a aspiring journalist at Oakwood College in Huntsville AL, and i would just like to get my feet wet a little...if i cant do it thats fine and i would just be a regular member and post..but if i can do it...i dont intend on doing this for money, thats not the issue niether is it a problem.i would love utilize my skills and contribute to the site
PhinSoldia said:
i would like to contact the mods in regards to writting columns or reports on dolphin football. i am a aspiring journalist at Oakwood College in Huntsville AL, and i would just like to get my feet wet a little...if i cant do it thats fine and i would just be a regular member and post..but if i can do it...i dont intend on doing this for money, thats not the issue niether is it a problem.i would love utilize my skills and contribute to the site
The Mods don't want other peoples opinions on here, read the TOS.;)
Megatron said:
The Mods don't want other peoples opinions on here, read the TOS.;)
oh thats the whole reason for this board. my son used to write articles for this board, so did a friend of mine! :tongue:
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