Continuity From Last Season May Have Spelled Success | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Continuity From Last Season May Have Spelled Success


Practice Squad
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
I know many times events are out of the teams control, but I believe that if we have continuity from last year at the coordinator position and at QB, we would have been sneaking into the playoffs this year. I feel even though Gus wasn't the QB of the future he was serviceable and would even play even better (more efficient) within a Scott Linehan offense. I also feel that the defense would have played better under Richard Smith.

Continuity is so understanded. Everyone gets to know one another's strengths and weaknesses. Strengths are emphasized and weaknesses are improved. That process goes much smoother when people know each other well. I sure hope we have continuity next year. However, with two "head" coaches as assistants this year, I wouldn't hold my breath. The good thing is that there probably won't be too many head coaching vacancies at the end of the season this year.
kzarei said:
I know many times events are out of the teams control, but I believe that if we have continuity from last year at the coordinator position and at QB, we would have been sneaking into the playoffs this year. I feel even though Gus wasn't the QB of the future he was serviceable and would even play even better (more efficient) within a Scott Linehan offense. I also feel that the defense would have played better under Richard Smith.

Continuity is so understanded. Everyone gets to know one another's strengths and weaknesses. Strengths are emphasized and weaknesses are improved. That process goes much smoother when people know each other well. I sure hope we have continuity next year. However, with two "head" coaches as assistants this year, I wouldn't hold my breath. The good thing is that there probably won't be too many head coaching vacancies at the end of the season this year.

I disagree with you on this... I believe that we would be in total control of the AFC EAST and be in the hunt for a bye week in the playoffs...:D
The thing is we had to make the changes. We still have a linebacking crew, defensive line and offensive line to overhaul. Had we stayed the course we would be completely screwed in a year or two and we wouldnt have done much in the playoffs. Its better this way. Next year we'll be younger and stronger and better and the worst will be behind us
Yeah. I'm sure you guys were just cussing up a storm when we traded for Culpepper and signed Dom Capers, two guys who have reached heights Frerotte and Smith can only dream about. :shakeno:
PhinGeneral said:
Yeah. I'm sure you guys were just cussing up a storm when we traded for Culpepper and signed Dom Capers, two guys who have reached heights Frerotte and Smith can only dream about. :shakeno:

I don't want this thread to turn into a discussion about Culpepper, but I think his best days are behind him. Capers is an excellent defensive coordinator and love to have him here. However, my point is continuity. If he stays here for the next 4-5 years, then great.

I think the teams that become really good on one side of the ball have coordinators that are with the team more than a few years. I think New England is probably the exception. However, they probably had some consistency early on with Belechek and the trained players in key positions are still there.
The discontinuity from last season to this season was beyond the team's control. Two examples: Saban could not block Linehan from interviewing for the St. Louis job, and certainly could not block him from leaving for it. Frerotte voluntarily followed Linehan, turning down our offers to make him the #2 to Culpepper.

We did what we could with the situation we found ourselves in. Hindsight is a nice luxury, but let's not let it influence the facts.
New England had continuity, too, though. Romeo Crennell was there for years, and Mangini was on staff pretty much the whole time so it was a seamless transition. Belichick was always grooming the next guy to take over, which was really wise. Much less hectic than always hiring from outside the organization.
PeterNorth said:
New England had continuity, too, though. Romeo Crennell was there for years, and Mangini was on staff pretty much the whole time so it was a seamless transition. Belichick was always grooming the next guy to take over, which was really wise. Much less hectic than always hiring from outside the organization.

While I admit general ignorance of the personnel situation of the Dolphins, it seems we've got a guy named Jason Garrett who is being groomed for the offensive coordinator position in another year or two.
I can't believe there are fans who still think Gus Frerotte should be our QB. The guy stinks. As mediocre as Harrington has been, I would take him over Frerotte any day. That been said, there isn't much overhaul needed for next season. We will most likely have 4 starting OL returning, our LB corps just need 1 starter and our secondary needs 1 quality free agent CB. On offense, I'm convinced we have our own David Garrard in Cleo Lemon. The problem is everyone knows it except for the person who counts most. The headcoach.
That Cleo Lemon should be considered "the next David Garrard" is a bit unfounded. He may be, but remember what people thought of Ray Lucas before he had to actually play. And Lucas had actually STARTED and WON NFL games before coming to Miami and tanking.
Harrington is not better than Frerrote. Don't be blinded by his draft status. Frerrote had accuracy issues, but Frerrote also took care of the football. Harrington chucks INT after INT in the red zone. He sucked the life out of this team vs. Jacksonville. Had we held onto Frerrote and just let him start and let Culpepper rehab, I'm sure we'd be 8-4/9-3. Though that is speculation, there have been no games this year posted by any of our qb's that Frerrote could not have matched/bettered. And don't say Detroit, the Lions suck. Harrington beat up a crappy team. Big freakin' deal.
Bopkin02 said:
...Had we held onto Frerrote and just let him start and let Culpepper rehab, I'm sure we'd be 8-4/9-3...

I agree with that. The only trump card might be how Mularky would mesh with Ferotte.
We had no choice, get over it. Move on. I can't stand threads about "what if we did this different?" We didn't, move on, try posting something constructive. Wallowing in what might have been is not constructive. Just my opinion.
Bopkin02 said:
That Cleo Lemon should be considered "the next David Garrard" is a bit unfounded. He may be, but remember what people thought of Ray Lucas before he had to actually play. And Lucas had actually STARTED and WON NFL games before coming to Miami and tanking.
Harrington is not better than Frerrote. Don't be blinded by his draft status. Frerrote had accuracy issues, but Frerrote also took care of the football. Harrington chucks INT after INT in the red zone. He sucked the life out of this team vs. Jacksonville. Had we held onto Frerrote and just let him start and let Culpepper rehab, I'm sure we'd be 8-4/9-3. Though that is speculation, there have been no games this year posted by any of our qb's that Frerrote could not have matched/bettered. And don't say Detroit, the Lions suck. Harrington beat up a crappy team. Big freakin' deal.

Frerrotte also had a year w/ the receivers under his belt. So there would not be as many timing problems. He also had good pocket presence and didn't take many sacks, something else that is good. Saban should have told Frerotte that he could compete for the starting job in camp this year so he would have stayed.
kzarei said:
I know many times events are out of the teams control, but I believe that if we have continuity from last year at the coordinator position and at QB, we would have been sneaking into the playoffs this year. I feel even though Gus wasn't the QB of the future he was serviceable and would even play even better (more efficient) within a Scott Linehan offense. I also feel that the defense would have played better under Richard Smith.

Continuity is so understanded. Everyone gets to know one another's strengths and weaknesses. Strengths are emphasized and weaknesses are improved. That process goes much smoother when people know each other well. I sure hope we have continuity next year. However, with two "head" coaches as assistants this year, I wouldn't hold my breath. The good thing is that there probably won't be too many head coaching vacancies at the end of the season this year.

That would also have to include the package deal of Ricky and Ronnie. Ricky getting suspended really hurts us. HE was IN MY OPINION (dont jump on people for their opinions as you ronnie brown fans tend to do :D) a much better back then ronnie. He could pound farther then ronnie, and could turn a nothing play into something. He made out OLINE look like stars for 3 years (not 3 in a row mind you but thats besides the point)
PhinsRock said:
We had no choice, get over it. Move on. I can't stand threads about "what if we did this different?" We didn't, move on, try posting something constructive. Wallowing in what might have been is not constructive. Just my opinion.

Actually, none of these posting on any of the threads are constructive in terms of the team. We don't influence one iota of any decision that the team makes.

Opinions on whether or not a team should have done something different in the past or should do something in the future are really pretty much the same whena ll is said in done. They are both points of speculation that we will probably never see the outcome in.

Hey, everyone has there own way to communicate.
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