Could someone help me with a few calls from the game. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Could someone help me with a few calls from the game.


Phins fanatic
Jul 21, 2002
Reaction score
I live in MO so all I get are the Chiefs games. I watch the games at sports bars but of course the sound is not on.

On the defensive holding calls did they offer any type of explanation? From where I was sitting it did not look like the defenders even touched the WR's. Was there something explained from either the announcers or the officials on the plays?

Did I miss something about the plays that I would have needed an explanation for? It appeared to me that both those calls were phantom calls and maybe a little home cooking.

Thanks in advance to all those lucky enough to be able to hear it.
if its the one i am thinking about it was a penalty on madsion, and the reply showed was surtain. just bad camera work not a bad call.
freeman was called on a bogus call as well. shockey stopped on a come-back and fell down. freeman was too slow to make the play and reached for shockey. he was flagged of course
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