Couple points after watching the 85 Bears/FinsMNF game | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Couple points after watching the 85 Bears/FinsMNF game


Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
Miami, FL.
I'm having football withdrawl so I decided to watch the 1985 Bears vs Dolphins MNF game. First thing I have to say is ....Marino was a BAD A$$. I forgot what a strong arm looked like. Fiedler's lobs must have brain washed me. Also, there was a thread earlier stating how Marino didn't scramble. Well, he may not have scrambled like Elway,Young & Vick, but in the 80's he did a lot of roll outs. Sometimes on the roll outs he even look quick:) .

Another thing...Our jerseys looked sweet back then. The aqua was not as dark. Even the retro jerseys weren't the correct color. Finally, why didn't Joe Robbie clone the Orange Bowl when he built Joe Robbie Stadium/Pro Player Staduim/Dolphins Stadium?? Because during that game the crowd was so loud you could you feel the electricity on TV.

I guess what I'm saying is .....

1. Bring back Marino!
2. Lighten the Aqua a bit.
3. Add seats until about 8 yards from the players bench..
4. Bring back Marino!
5. Bring back Marino!
I definetly agree about the color of the aqua... I've been an advocate of returning the jerseys to the lighter colored aqua for awhile now, I think it looks a lot better.

And anything that makes the stadium louder can't be bad. How about we have a free bullhorn day the next time we play the Patriots at home... first 50,000 people through the gate get their own complimentary bullhorn to make a ****load of noise with. :D
I basically agree with everything

Marino was what, 24 or 25 years old that season, so his arm was at apex.

I have that game on tape myself. We were worried about the Chicago rush so we put in or utilized many more rollouts than typical.

Regarding the uniforms I really don't prioritize the aqua because we only wear it a couple of times a year, home night games. But when I saw the Dallas Thanksgiving day game in 2003 I was stunned how much we had detoured from the old classic whites. The old look should be reinstated ASAP. The only uniform I despise is the aqua pants. Pathetic.

Location, multipurpose and cement. Those 3 factors doomed Joe Robbie Stadium from the outset. I don't think the younger Dolphin fans realize how much we forfeited in home advantage. At the Orange Bowl you could feel the intensity as soon as you were asked to park in a tiny front yard of some Hispanic home, six or eight blocks away.
nothin' like being on the rail at the closed end during a goal line stand... nothin'
I am a believer in the old, original, aqua. Our old unini's were, excepting the powder blues at SD, the BEST !
Going into this game I honestly without question knew we had a chance to win this game because of Marino. That is why i want another franchise qb. This two yards and a cloud of dust ain't getting it for me anymore. Draft a QB and if AJ doesn't turn it around by midseason kick him to the curb. I don't care how freaking hot his girlfriend is. I need production.
HelloMotto said:
Going into this game I honestly without question knew we had a chance to win this game because of Marino. That is why i want another franchise qb. This two yards and a cloud of dust ain't getting it for me anymore. Draft a QB and if AJ doesn't turn it around by midseason kick him to the curb. I don't care how freaking hot his girlfriend is. I need production.

Since everyone is being honest here, I will too. Now a days, I look at our up coming schedule and say loss, win, loss, loss, loss, win, and so on. But I can remember when Marino was playing and I would never put a loss in it. I would always say maybe, close and could go etherway. With Marino on the feild and time on the clock we always had a chance to win. I guess you could compare Marino to coffee. "Good to the last drop". :) Man I miss those days. Thanks Dan...You will always be the man!
I've watched the Fins for many years, since the 70 season, and I always said that Marino accounted for at least 3-4 wins, on his own, every season. He was such a dominate player at his position, that he could win games that we had no business to win. We all miss watching him play. That game was one of the very best, but if you want a game with a personality of the fans, you should have been at the Philly/Miami game in the O bowl...we stopped the game 4 or 5 times with so much noise...The Jets playoff game in 77 was the same...muddy field...the common thing was the O allowed the fans to influence the game, whereas JRS does not...All this said, the Bears game in 85 was just about the best JRS game...
I think you're off on a couple of dates

LarryFinFan said:
I've watched the Fins for many years, since the 70 season, and I always said that Marino accounted for at least 3-4 wins, on his own, every season. He was such a dominate player at his position, that he could win games that we had no business to win. We all miss watching him play. That game was one of the very best, but if you want a game with a personality of the fans, you should have been at the Philly/Miami game in the O bowl...we stopped the game 4 or 5 times with so much noise...The Jets playoff game in 77 was the same...muddy field...the common thing was the O allowed the fans to influence the game, whereas JRS does not...All this said, the Bears game in 85 was just about the best JRS game...

The Jets playoff game was the strike-shortened '82 season, not '77. In '77 I think that was the year we got screwed out of the playoffs despite a 10-4 record. The Colts actually benefitted by blowing a game in the final weeks on a last minute blocked punt, losing that game to Detriot I think it was. I'm trying to remember the details nearly 30 years later, but I think that loss set up some type of 3-way tiebreaker possibility that favored the Colts, whereas they would have gotten the short end of a 2-way tie. Anyway, we needed the Pats to win in Baltimore on the final weekend and they battled like hell before losing in the final minutes after an obscene non-fumble call. Bert Jones dropped the ball at waist level yet some ace ref insisted he was already down. That ref's name was infamous in Miami for years afterwards.

Also, you're giving JRS too much credit. The '85 Bears game was still in the metallic house of horrors Orange Bowl. Thank god. We didn't bolt to concrete and bland JRS until '87.
LarryFinFan said:
I've watched the Fins for many years, since the 70 season, and I always said that Marino accounted for at least 3-4 wins, on his own, every season. He was such a dominate player at his position, that he could win games that we had no business to win. We all miss watching him play. That game was one of the very best, but if you want a game with a personality of the fans, you should have been at the Philly/Miami game in the O bowl...we stopped the game 4 or 5 times with so much noise...

I remember that game....I was watching it on TV..but its was still cool...I am showing my age but oh well.... The noise was so loud, that after three stops they charge Miami with a time out..And I think Ski throw an INT? Wow, that is a good one to keep locked in a bottle....
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