Practice Squad
...joined just to say hang in there Fin fans. I have been through this and remember sitting at 1-15 in 89 and missing Tom Landry and thinking "how did our franchise fall to this point?" Well, your Dolphin franchise is a legendary franchise of the 70's like my Boys and I feel you guys will get back on track sooner rather than later. I want to say this, while I know some say the tank is on and I can see that, however, no one told the players because despite being outmanned your team outplayed us for 2 quarters. The Dolphins played with heart and I do feel you have some nice young pieces. I hope Charlton will come through and be a player for you guys...great pick-up, you get a first-round talent and get to try him out with really nothing to lose and everything to gain. I always felt he didn't get the playing time necessary to show what he could do. My impression of Taco is that he is a game player and not a practice player and some coaches can't see that. I wish Kellen Moore was our coach as I think Jason Garrett is about as motivating and inspiring as a piece of sand but that is insulting to the sand lol. Anyway, I hope we can win on talent and Moore continues to call good games. So, keep your head up Dolphin fans, try to find the guys that will be a part of the turnaround and I'm sure you guys will turn it around soon. Miami is a franchise that doesn't lose for long, they usually find a way to be competitive. Well, I registered just because I was impressed with how hard some of your players played and the effort they gave yesterday, hope you guys can find some enjoyment in the season and grab a win soon. I feel you guys will win one soon. I do think Fitz at QB is the best chance to win. Good luck guys! Respect from a hated ole Cowboy fan lol.