I swear to god. I have never heard grown men cry like little sissy girls about "respect" like I have since the advent of the internet. Respect is earned. It is undeniable if you earn it. You take it. You don't "Get" it. You are not entitled to respect. You go out and you take it.
It's true in all aspects of life. You take and impose respect. You don't just talk about it.
I do not understand all the guys whining like little girls about how X or X doesn't respect us...But, they are swinging on the sac of the same guy should he write a positive article about a Dolphin.
Ok...Lemme get this straight; X guy says negative about the Dolphins...He's a hater and, an idiot "Talking head". Same guy says somthing positive a week later? Genius.
FFS people. I hate all this tounge wagging. Just get out there and play. If you win, respect will follow. I know it's a brand new concept and all, but, I promise..It will come.