D. Bowens | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

D. Bowens


We Are Still Going To The SB
May 24, 2002
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I have a feeling that David Bowens might have a breakout year. He might sneak up on some people. I loved him last year on special teams and when he got a chance to play on D. He just has and energy about him that seems contagious. Something we need. Let me know what you think. I would also like it if we brought Marco back, but I think Bowens is going to win alot of PT. :eat:
He lacks the technics of a "Trace Armstrong", but has great enthusiasum. It would be nice to see him bust out. It would solve a major problem at LDE.
i m going to agree with you about his energy and hope for a break out year along the lines of 12 sacks
Originally posted by iceblizzard69
Bowens could get around 8 sacks if they let him play on 3rd and long.
hopefully that is not a big if. I am worried that if we bring in Burnett or Coleman that they will look to give them PT as pas rushers since DG and JT are the starters. That w/b a big mistake since both guys are more the Mixon type than the Lo Bro/Trace type and should be used as insurance and to give JT and DG a blo. :)
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