Dan Patrick Show: Who's Dolphins starting QB? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Dan Patrick Show: Who's Dolphins starting QB?


Practice Squad
Dec 19, 2005
Reaction score
I'm not sure who was on the Dan Patrick show (ESPN Radio) today (SOMEONE HELP ME OU WITH WHO HE WAS), but whoever it was Dan asked them who'd be the starting QB for the following teams:

  1. Chargers- (his answer)Rivers
  2. Vikings- (his answer) Culpepper
  3. Dolphins- (his answer) Brees
This guy could be Joe Shmoe for all I know, but I just caught this segment for about 10 minutes. Thought I'd help the rumor mill keep rolling.
zachequalsgod said:
I'm not sure who was on the Dan Patrick show (ESPN Radio) today (SOMEONE HELP ME OU WITH WHO HE WAS), but whoever it was Dan asked them who'd be the starting QB for the following teams:

  1. Chargers- (his answer)Rivers
  2. Vikings- (his answer) Culpepper
  3. Dolphins- (his answer) Brees
This guy could be Joe Shmoe for all I know, but I just caught this segment for about 10 minutes. Thought I'd help the rumor mill keep rolling.

Peter King
at least its peter king not john clayton spoutin off
zachequalsgod said:
I'm not sure who was on the Dan Patrick show (ESPN Radio) today (SOMEONE HELP ME OU WITH WHO HE WAS), but whoever it was Dan asked them who'd be the starting QB for the following teams:
  1. Chargers- (his answer)Rivers
  2. Vikings- (his answer) Culpepper
  3. Dolphins- (his answer) Brees
This guy could be Joe Shmoe for all I know, but I just caught this segment for about 10 minutes. Thought I'd help the rumor mill keep rolling.
Are those the top 3 things he thinks he thinks? :lol:
Se7eN said:
at least its peter king not john clayton spoutin off

Dude, I'm just curious. Does your keyboard have a shift button and punctuation keys?

Must be the journalism major in me that's nitpicking again.
Dude, I'm just curious. Does your keyboard have a shift button and punctuation keys?

Must be the journalism major in me that's nitpicking again.

Nice text under your user name. :chuckle:
Dude, I'm just curious. Does your keyboard have a shift button and punctuation keys?

Must be the journalism major in me that's nitpicking again.

yeah im a criminal justice major where supposed to stay short and to the point with adding as much detail as possible without punctuation
Se7eN said:
yeah im a criminal justice major where supposed to stay short and to the point with adding as much detail as possible without punctuation

Well it'd be nice to follow normal grammatical rules when posting. It makes you look smarter and keeps readers from getting aggrivated.
Hey you stole my line under your name. Or did you have that first. Never noticed.

:lol: Why do you think I originally put "Nice text under your user name."

I knew we had the same one.
DolphinDevil28 said:
:lol: Why do you think I originally put "Nice text under your user name."

I knew we had the same one.

F-U San Diego! :lol:

And that's my 3,000th post. Just how I dreamed it would be. Quoting Anchorman!
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