Danica Patrick... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Danica Patrick...

Prime Time

Active Roster
Oct 18, 2002
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I am sorry but anyone else think she is so f'in overrated?! I am tired of hearing her name. What has she done? Nothing. She is bound to win sooner or later, and when she does I don't want to watch ESPN for the rest of that month. It is un friggin believable.
Prime Time said:
I am sorry but anyone else think she is so f'in overrated?! I am tired of hearing her name. What has she done? Nothing. She is bound to win sooner or later, and when she does I don't want to watch ESPN for the rest of that month. It is un friggin believable.

well she isn't really overrated, she just seems that way because she is a female and thus gets a lot of plublicity.

She will eventually win a few races too.

Plus she's hot :D
Hott? I don't see it. She looiks like the girl from the Ring.
i agree she not very good, it like when bill lester ran that cup race, they made a big deal about it bc hes black he didnt deserve to be in that car he sucks, shes in the best equipment and still doesnt run very good. they both suck, shes not as bad as bill tho, hes sucks something fierce.
woody1351 said:
i agree she not very good, it like when bill lester ran that cup race, they made a big deal about it bc hes black he didnt deserve to be in that car he sucks, shes in the best equipment and still doesnt run very good. they both suck, shes not as bad as bill tho, hes sucks something fierce.

Where is that firggin' bowing down smiley? :lol:
DonShula84 said:

No sir. She is gross. I just saw an interview with her..she has like some sort of rash on the lower part of her mouth right now...Ewww
shes pretty

Prime Time said:
I am sorry but anyone else think she is so f'in overrated?! I am tired of hearing her name. What has she done? Nothing. She is bound to win sooner or later, and when she does I don't want to watch ESPN for the rest of that month. It is un friggin believable.

I think she finished 4th one! lol

Hey, until she does playboy she is just one of about 140 million BAD female drivers in the United States in my book!
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