Darryl Gardner | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Darryl Gardner


We Are Still Going To The SB
May 24, 2002
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It seems the Miami front office may have been right after all... D.G. is not worth the problems he brings to the team, both physically and socially.

"...Then the team added former Miami starter Daryl Gardener, who came complete with a steamer trunk full of woes, and a history of back problems. Gee, guess what, Gardener recently had to have an epidural injection for his back. Despite publicly encouraging words from the Washington medical staff, there are suspicions Gardener is hurting again, and no one can say when he'll get back on the field"
I feel for DG..he's a talented guy..but his back injury well keep him from ever fulfilling his potential..I'm glad that he's not Miami's problem anymore..
Can anyone explain why we didnt try and trade the Gardener. In my humble opinion it seems that Wanny let this guy get under his skin and made a quick decision. I think we could have gotten a nice future draft pick or player and draft package? what are youlls thoughts.
Originally posted by wood
That may be true but we didnt even put him on the market.

Yes we did. We offered him to everyone including Washington, but no one wanted his contract.
Yeah I was just gonna say I'm sure the Phins offered him up for trade but didn't advertise it. Nobody and I do mean NOBODY wanted that mega-size contract for a guy with so many injury problems that he may be forced to retire within a year.

You ask if anyone can tell you why we didn't try and trade him, and I ask you what team in their right mind would trade for Daryl Gardener in order to pay him base salaries upwards of like 5 million dollars a year...for a guy who's proven the last 2 seasons he cant make it through a full season at DT because of recurring back problems that will likely shorten his career to one or POSSIBLY two more years. WHY would ANY team trade a pick for that?!? That wouldn't even be worth a 7th round pick in my opinion.
Originally posted by wood
Can anyone explain why we didnt try and trade the Gardener. In my humble opinion it seems that Wanny let this guy get under his skin and made a quick decision. I think we could have gotten a nice future draft pick or player and draft package? what are youlls thoughts.

When you trade a player, ALL remaining bonus amortization accelerates in to the League Year of the trade. It would have cost an additional $6 million on the 2002 cap and NO "dead cap" on 2003......you would have needed to release/restructure players in order to trade DG
Originally posted by clumpedplatelet

When you trade a player, ALL remaining bonus amortization accelerates in to the League Year of the trade. It would have cost an additional $6 million on the 2002 cap and NO "dead cap" on 2003......you would have needed to release/restructure players in order to trade DG

You got that right, it would have been stupid to have traded him this year. I wish DG all the best, but I doubt he will be around in anouther year or so.
Wow.... Crazydolphin, good to see your still copying and pasting other peoples posts from board to board. I wonder if you ever post anything original.

I guess I should be flattered.
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