Dave Wannstedt On The Dolphins' Improvements For 2002 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Dave Wannstedt On The Dolphins' Improvements For 2002


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
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Dave Wannstedt On The Dolphins' Improvements For 2002

“There are several areas where we need to get better this year. I think we need to get our running game going again, and I think we took a big step forward with the trade for Ricky Williams. You don't win in this league unless you can run the football. Last year we hurt ourselves with turnovers (38) and penalties (107 for 914 yards). We were able to overcome that for the most part, but we can't continue to do that. We need to clean up those areas.

  • Improve running game = Ricky + Norv
  • Reduce turnovers - running game plus Jay playing like he did end of 2001
  • reduce penalties = Lo Bro on Vikes
I'll take Bromell's penalties if it comes with all the pressure he puts on QBs. He loves hurting QBs.

IMO, the ENTIRE TEAM needs to tighten up on penalties. Not just one guy.
Originally posted by Muck
I'll take Bromell's penalties if it comes with all the pressure he puts on QBs. He loves hurting QBs.

IMO, the ENTIRE TEAM needs to tighten up on penalties. Not just one guy.
you're right I was kind of half kiddin on Lo Bro. On D, we need to eliminate those killer penalties that give the other team first downs on 3rd and long (Surtain). On O we have to hope our "new" OL does not have trouble getting in sync.
Originally posted by Expo88
He did personally account for about 1/4 of those 914 penalty yards though. :lol: :lol:
then I guess I was only 1/4 kidding and not 1/2 kidding :goof: :lol:
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