david stern to players: "i know where the bodies are buried" | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

david stern to players: "i know where the bodies are buried"


future of the funk
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score
Colorado Springs

NEW YORK – Across the Staples Center locker room, the NBA’s All-Stars waited for commissioner David Stern and Players Association executive director Billy Hunter to deliver the perfunctory rah-rah remarks they regurgitate every year on the eve of the game. Only, Hunter had a different plan, unleashing an inspired soliloquy to frame the gathering storm of labor strife. And it may have just transformed the way the biggest stars in the sport see him.

The room was thick with league executives, coaches and players on the afternoon of Feb. 19, and they listened to Hunter insist he couldn’t come in good faith and tell them everything was well within the NBA. Hunter said the owners had made a crippling proposal, a long lockout loomed and these players in the room would bear the biggest financial and public relations burden of a work stoppage. And then he started to tell them he had thought long and hard about the way Oscar Robertson and Jerry West staged a protest at the 1964 All-Star Game, threatening a boycott until they had leveraged the league into the most rudimentary of medical benefits and pension contributions.
hmmmn....why would stern say this you ask?

imagine all the draft day secrets and under the table dealings that go on...........stern knows it all. like he didn't know lebron was practicing with the cavs when he was still in high school and the franchise was tanking games to get that #1 pick? it had to be true when their star player (best player), ricky davis, was going bonkers putting up 50 a night for a spell, only to turn biatch because a high schooler was about to come in and take his spot. stern knew that, but it was swept under the rug and ricky got shipped out of town.

didn't stern conspire to help the knicks in winning the lottery with the cold or dog eared envelope to help them land patrick ewing?

stern sending memos to the referee's when the heat is on them for obviously fixing and blowing games in one teams favor?

tim donaghy........

allowing a kwame brown for pau gasol trade to be approved? how?

a global takeover by the NBA, so players can't escape stern's wrath in other countries because the league will be prominent in those countries as well. you run to china, the NBA and stern will be waiting on you, to punish you. that'll stop top rank players like lebron from going overseas during a lockout or being offered $50 million per season by another country when their contract is up. the NBA will run all basketball organizations in the world.

all the blackballing of players, and the trading around of contracts to where a player is forgotten about and vanishes. the owners and GMs have to talk to one another about ridding their franchise of "problem children", and i'm sure there's documentation approved by the NBA.

all the rule changes and age restrictions. **** like that changes the overall game and develops young players to play a certain way, the "david stern way".

NEW WORLD ORDER.....wake up everybody!
I assume this is an attempt at humor?

The only response I have to all NBA conspiracy theories. The San Antonio Spurs. A boring, small market team. An unmarketable star. A small fanbase. Horrible ratings in every playoff series they play that's not against the Lakers. And four titles.
I assume this is an attempt at humor?

The only response I have to all NBA conspiracy theories. The San Antonio Spurs. A boring, small market team. An unmarketable star. A small fanbase. Horrible ratings in every playoff series they play that's not against the Lakers. And four titles.

:lol: attempt at humor..look in the mirror heat fan.is this supposed to upset me?did i forget to mention he didnt know about the perpetual cheat the miami heat?:lol::lol:

"conspiracy theory"..haha i expect this from fans of teams from of course where the perpetual cheating is taking place.and go ahead and keep regurgitating ESPN's psycho babble about the spurs....funny how walt disney owns ESPN..well they even have people who think on kiddie levels repeating their every word.:up:
If you pause and put a little thought into it you can write complete sentences that other people can actually understand. Its more fun and allows for two way communication instead of nonsensical ranting.
If you pause and put a little thought into it you can write complete sentences that other people can actually understand. Its more fun and allows for two way communication instead of nonsensical ranting.

do i need to write in "kiddie" terms so you understand?
just be glad the NBA decided to award the heat with at least 1 championship in 06'..heat fans won't like this,but its true.
and as much as i hate to admit it,but i will,the spurs are a part of the whole scheme too.its infusion of international players,only makes my point even further.no doubt,it is one of the more globally pervasive teams in the league.which happens to be very successful.the nba (stern), just doesn't know how to really market itself,much less its TEAMS...

it would rather market its players..well what happens?well,look at what is happening now.
illuminati always rigging games for the heat and lakers. both of those teams got demon possessed satanic freemason illuminati members on their teams.
spurs win only to maintain the illusion.



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