I was lookin at DC's career sheet to see waht % he threw last year and it was still 64.4 with a 6 to 12 TD/INT stat. Now, if he is STILL throwing that HIGH of a percentage (12%) higher then GUS, I think there is still a lil SOMETHING there that says that he IS an accurate QB only diff is he had a bad year with the INT"s overshadowing all the other thigns he was doin slightly well. remember 5 picks came from a team that had 3 games of 5 ints lsat year in the bengels. If he was making such bad choices, wasn't seeing the field that well i think his percentage would have been less due to missing open ppl or not being able to deliver the ball properly. In my eyes, it was just ONE bad year that players usually rebound from tremendously the following year. As you see it many times in sports but I am still confused as to why the high INT if he was still passing in a % we as fin fans haevn't seen in 23424234 yrs.