Definitely ahead of the curve but... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Definitely ahead of the curve but...


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Sep 17, 2012
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If Mr. Dan "The Man" Campbell proves to be THE SOLUTION at HC and has this team playing winning football week in and week out -- and ESPECIALLY if he gets this team into the playoffs -- I expect there will be a new "paradigm shift" (forgive the cliché) in terms of basic NFL HC criteria.

Specifically, you hear the players saying over and over that Dan understands because he was a player -- and he was in their place before! Bottom line, if actual NFL playing experience is suddenly "rediscovered" as a core requisite -- all the coaching dweebs manufactured via coaching clinics and sundry assembly line formulas to coaching nirvana may suffer a serious setback.

In the "old days," most coaches were players -- dudes like Lombardi, Shula, Knoll, Landry, Ditka and so forth. Of course we've been led to believe that NFL coaching has become so "cerabral" it takes a certified coaching dweeb to implement all the complexities of micro and macro dynamic X's and O's.

Maybe football is still FOOTBALL when you boil away all the BS?

Go Dan go! Burn that chit down!

really really hope he pulls through and gets us a winning record, it is not going to be easy.
Belichick sure didn't play in the NFL and is doing quite well for himself. Talent is talent regardless of history. Good coaches can come from all walks of life, and denigrating people who didn't play as "dweebs" isn't really productive.
If he gets us to the playoffs, you give him a 3 year contract before the first playoff game and get the **** outta the way. (Yes yes I know there is a Rooney Rule to satisfy, but you get my drift).
To me, Dan just seems to transcend the term "Interim Coach" Maybe because he is doing so much in such a short time. Add in another win, and a very possible win in New England, and we have to admit that next year's HCing job is his to lose.
Dan is a true blue collar coach, Sparano seemed to be as well. Joe was showing to be a smart guy who knows about football, but he never showed that he lived football. Sweat in the gym, outplay the guy in front of you, or feel the elation of breaking tackles to make the endzone.
In our example we needed a Campbell after all the struggles with GMs and Coaches

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Belichick sure didn't play in the NFL and is doing quite well for himself. Talent is talent regardless of history. Good coaches can come from all walks of life, and denigrating people who didn't play as "dweebs" isn't really productive.


Are you one of the "dweebs?"

My point is obviously significantly sarcastic. Tho of course "dweebdom" is a rather dominate malady in contemporary society. So many dweebs, so little time...

Seriously, too many peeps take this chit way too serious.

But even at that -- Philbin was definitely a dweeb product -- and speaking "productively," his total LACK of legitimacy as a HC can at least be somewhat attributed to his "speaking in tongues" (aka "coach speak") and ZERO reference point within his personal matrix as a pro athlete (Joe's pedigree background in full contact chess aside)!

Like I said, Don Shula was an NFL player.

Enough said.


---------- Post added at 04:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:42 PM ----------

Oh yea, and Belicheat has to cheat to win.

Stop the nonsense.
If Mr. Dan "The Man" Campbell proves to be THE SOLUTION at HC and has this team playing winning football week in and week out -- and ESPECIALLY if he gets this team into the playoffs -- I expect there will be a new "paradigm shift" (forgive the cliché) in terms of basic NFL HC criteria.

Specifically, you hear the players saying over and over that Dan understands because he was a player -- and he was in their place before! Bottom line, if actual NFL playing experience is suddenly "rediscovered" as a core requisite -- all the coaching dweebs manufactured via coaching clinics and sundry assembly line formulas to coaching nirvana may suffer a serious setback.

In the "old days," most coaches were players -- dudes like Lombardi, Shula, Knoll, Landry, Ditka and so forth. Of course we've been led to believe that NFL coaching has become so "cerabral" it takes a certified coaching dweeb to implement all the complexities of micro and macro dynamic X's and O's.

Maybe football is still FOOTBALL when you boil away all the BS?

Go Dan go! Burn that chit down!


I think you need a nice balance of dweeb and player...the dweebs are generally better at the organization and xs and os; players probably at motivation and game theory; i'd say ex-players at the head w/ dweeb coordinators.
Belichick sure didn't play in the NFL and is doing quite well for himself. Talent is talent regardless of history. Good coaches can come from all walks of life, and denigrating people who didn't play as "dweebs" isn't really productive.

Difference is Bill grew up w/ a military coach father, and was raised in the NFL, he gets "it". That's the main point, and why ex-players work, they get "it"
I think you need a nice balance of dweeb and player...the dweebs are generally better at the organization and xs and os; players probably at motivation and game theory; i'd say ex-players at the head w/ dweeb coordinators.

Perhaps. But Don Shula had ZERO dweeb factor. And last I checked, Vince Lombardi was anti-dweeb.

Thus and therefore, the dweeb factor is totally overrated!

But of course that's related to a much larger scale of reference.

In support of Dan Campbell and his kind I'll quote William Blake:

The eagle never lost so much time, as when he submitted to learn of the crow.
That is the debate. Who is more successful for longer the motivators or the Xs and Os. I would argue the Xs and Os guys get caught up to and figured out. But you do need a mixture of both I think

Are you one of the "dweebs?"

My point is obviously significantly sarcastic. Tho of course "dweebdom" is a rather dominate malady in contemporary society. So many dweebs, so little time...

Seriously, too many peeps take this chit way too serious.

But even at that -- Philbin was definitely a dweeb product -- and speaking "productively," his total LACK of legitimacy as a HC can at least be somewhat attributed to his "speaking in tongues" (aka "coach speak") and ZERO reference point within his personal matrix as a pro athlete (Joe's pedigree background in full contact chess aside)!

Like I said, Don Shula was an NFL player.

Enough said.


---------- Post added at 04:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:42 PM ----------

Oh yea, and Belicheat has to cheat to win.

Stop the nonsense.

So many dweebs, so little time, lol!

The perfect HC would be a football player and somewhat of a dweeb, probably -- ala Shula and Walsh and Gibbs and Harbaugh(s) and Carroll.

Campbell just may be intellectual enough to pull it off, though. Jury is still out. Gotta like the sample tho. Way better than Philbin, imo. Philbin had zero clue on talent evaluation and social interaction and football IQ. Campbell is already better in all three areas, although it would be hard to be worse...

My core point is:

PASSION is First!

After that, yea, play around with the chess pieces.
My core point is:

PASSION is First!

After that, yea, play around with the chess pieces.

nope, you just realigned your point to fit the general consensus (need to have a combo of both traits). you did say that the last time you checked...shula and lombardi had ZERO dweeb factor
I disagree. The coach needs to assemble a very good staff. The coach needs to be able to bring the best out of his staff and the best out of his players. That can be a long term winning formula. Having a great X and O mind can get in the way of the other aspects of being a head coach. One final ingredient is a vision for the team he wants to create.
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