Dennis Green Fired | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Dennis Green Fired

He was who we thought he was, and the Cardinals let him off the hook. :wink:

Sorry did a decent job as an NFL analyst and'll find another gig.
The Cardinals will probably sign the Bears defensive cordinator for HC or Cam Cameron.
the main reason he was hired was to show that Arizona was serious about winning (the last HC was a guy nobody thought was qualified). Denny had a decent first season, but he played musical QBs and things fell through. Plus, the offense has struggled with 2 great WRs (Fitz and Boldin), and a very good number 3 (Johnson) for three years now. Plus, the D isn't that bad (could use some pass rushers, and another LB to play alongside Dansby, but it's not bad)
i hear Mooch and Chow are atop the cards list

they really need a hard nosed guy to get all these guys in line
i hear Mooch and Chow are atop the cards list

they really need a hard nosed guy to get all these guys in line

They said they'll go hard for Pete Carol (who has epressed interest in coaching Leinart again), and I'm sure Leinart wuldn't mind playing for his college OC either
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