Derek hagan | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Derek hagan


FinHeaven VIP
Feb 22, 2006
Reaction score
Atlanta GA
Anybody see that nice catch Hagan had that was behind him. He had two pretty important catches for first down. I hope we can see more of him next year and he can be a little more productive :D
Yes, Last night was by far one of his better games lets hope next year he can play 2nd WR with Booker #1

haha i was starting to get worried about him he was dropin more balls than Chambers:rolleyes:
Shows how bad we are, when were estatic over a reciever catching a few balls........
Shows how bad we are, when were estatic over a reciever catching a few balls........

Still . . . the kid is a rook who has been getting tormented by some fans becauses he has had a few drops this season, its good to see the kid make some "solid" catches. Its crazy that people are on here saying "he is a bust" or "he isn't a quality receiver" when he doesn't get enuff time to justify that. I don't know if Hagan will ever be a number 1 receiver . . . but I definitely think he could be a very solid number 2 in this league w/ number 1 potential.
Getting excited about Derek Hagans catching 2 passes is still better than getting excited about Marcus Vick.
i like to see the phins keep Booker around and possibly trade Chambers.He is defintely not a # 1 Wr..He had a terrible season no matter who was the Qb. I like to see him shipped out and i love to see if he could get a 3rd rounder for him. I think Hagans is gonna be a good Wr, all that team should look to add is a burner...
Hagan is going to be a very good #2 WR in this league, many of you were jumping to quick conclusions about him but in reality a WR hardly ever plays good his rookie season. most WRs need a few years to reach their potential
I liked Hagan all year long, he just needed to get more playing time.
Can't say too much about him other than i'm glad we got to see him play a little bit more. He had a couple of nice catches. Hopefully we'll see even more next week.
Yes, Last night was by far one of his better games lets hope next year he can play 2nd WR with Booker #1

haha i was starting to get worried about him he was dropin more balls than Chambers:rolleyes:

yep some sign of greatness comming, i can see that too.
Shows how bad we are, when were estatic over a reciever catching a few balls........

:lol: :lol: Lowered expectations:lol: :lol: but then I had the same reaction when McMichael started catching them. Ecstasy is hard to come by these past few years
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