Derrick Rodgers out for the year | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Derrick Rodgers out for the year


The Human Bullet
Sep 2, 2001
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Rodgers is going to have surgery to repair a tear in his shoulder, and will be placed on injured reserve.

Scott Gaylon will take his place as the starting weak side linebacker and 45 backer.

...and the hits just keep on rollin
Derrick Rogers is very overrated!! They will not miss him anyway except for depth! The 49ers ran at him all day by just blocking withBeasley only!! Beasley ate him up all day, that is why Hearst had so much success to the outside! The Patriots did the same thing with their fullback!! If you can't shed a fullback you shouldn't play linebacker!1 He is one the main weaknesses of the defense! Let's face it, the PHINS have no outside LB's making plays like other playoff teams!! I think Scott Galyon or Twan Russell will outplay Rodgers!! There's My prediction!! Scott Galyon was in one play and he stopped Antowain Smith on that 4th and 1 early in the first quarter!! So I guess we'll see but Derrick Rodgers is a major UNDERACHIEVER on this defense!!
Well, I always thought Derrick was pretty solid, and I hope your right, I hope Scott can outplay Rodgers.
Derrick Rodgers was invisable at best! I have no idea how Gaylon will play due to Dave unwillingness to give him a shot after Greenwood turned out to invisable as well. When you have the worst 2 starting olbs in the league I don't really know how much it affects you when you lose 1.
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