Developmental QB prospects | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Developmental QB prospects


Sep 7, 2004
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If you had a chance to take a QB from any roster in the nfl that was a low round pick (4-7rnds) from the last two years, who would you like to see the phins develop? Myself, I wouldn't having Cody Pickett from the niners. He was a 7th round pick a year ago and has plenty of physical tools that are very intriguing.
i would like to take ceneca wallace (sp?) from the seahawks but im not sure that he was picked less then two years ago. he had that amazing run in college that made me fall in love with him
Stefan LeFores from the Panthers
a few I'd be interested in... Pickett, Jeff Smoker from StL, Josh Harris from Balt.....all those guys were 2004.........guys from 2003.....Brian St.Pierre from Pitt and Dave Ragone from Houston.

I know, you said one....well, I always liked Ragone coming out of Louiville when he set a bunch of conference records and he's played very well in NFLE but I'd have to go with Jeff Smoker. Smoker's got huge talent....his only problem might be his head. So, if I interviewed Smoker and realized he's an idiot then Ragone but otherwise I like Smoker.

OH!...the jokes would be rampant with Smoker at QB with RW as the running back.
phish729 said:
i would like to take ceneca wallace (sp?) from the seahawks but im not sure that he was picked less then two years ago. he had that amazing run in college that made me fall in love with him
From what I've heard from my dad (big Seahawk fan) he looked pretty good in preseason last year.
yeah the last i have heard of el roberson was that he was suspened for the big 12 championship game vs oklahoma and darren sproles ran all over oklahoma
cody pickett is a good choice. dave ragone and charlie frye would be two others i wouldnt mind
wonderl33t said:
I read on KFFL that Seneca has been working out at WR.

Seneca is stying at QB. The reason that Holmgren has him working out in drills at WR and returner is to get him on the field because he's an athlete. Holmgren even went as far to say that he's a very good QB, but he wants to get him on the field anyway he can as an added dimension.
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