I know I probably didnt spell his last name rite but ahh last nites game against carolina did he play @ all I seen Hagan Play he did alrite but ahh whats up with devin
DearbornDolfan said:It's Aromashodu, and no he didn't play at all. I can't decide if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
icephinfan said:Yes he did, he was in the last quarter, just didn't get a ball thrown to him.
I saw him in the huddle, the last few plays.
DearbornDolfan said:Oh, well I didn't watch the game that far so I didn't see him.
Mile High Fin said:So why state so definitively that "no he didn't play at all", without saying you failed to watch the whole game???
I hate it when people just spout out things like they know, when they really DON'T know.
kashbo said:may b hes one of the cuts??
FanMarino said:Campbell may make this team due to his downfield speed and one pre-season game alone.