Did any one see Chambers Interview? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Did any one see Chambers Interview?


Perennial All-Pro
☠️ Banned ☠️
Mar 2, 2002
Reaction score
After watching the interview all I can say is that .....He will be a Super Star in this league...
umm it was on foxsports here in south Florida on Monday...
Originally posted by minus
After watching the interview all I can say is that .....He will be a Super Star in this league...

Okay Minus, so tell us about the interview, what was said?
I love the fact that Irvin is like a second skin on Chambers and Chris still makes the catch....that's UN-stoppable baby!
Just by the way he answer this question ...

Question:people are beginning to compare you to Irvin?Do you see your self as him?

Normally a second year player will be saying something like "No I'm not near as good as him blah blah...

Chamber Answer:

I don't know why people compared me to Irvin ...I'm more of a fineness player compared to Irvin who use his strength .....Now with Norv and a year with Fiedler, no doubt I will be a better player...

Another question :What are chances sophomore slump?

Chambers:Is not even on my mind.

He left me with out doubts about him now.I didn't think he will be ready to jump to other level until his fourth season but now I believe this year will be his year....
He just has one thing on his mind and is to be a super star in this league...He is focus and determine to have a break out year...Now I'm jumping in Chamber band wagon....

My predictions if he stays healthy ...... 80 rec 1100 yards ..
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When Rice came into the league, he had an interview and said " There are a lot of good receivers in this league, but i would like to become the all time greatest receiver" So i dont think that that is a ****y comment at all.

By the way, who is Irvin, what team?
Originally posted by minus
"Now with Norv and a year with Fiedler, no doubt I will be a better player"
Said Chris Chambers

Now who are you going to beleive about Jay? Chris or yourselfs? LOL HE HAS CONFIDENCE IN JAY!!! HE IS A PRO!!!!! HE SHOULD KNOW!!!!!!!!!

He has confidence in himself because he knows his talent and knows if he keeps working hard, he'll be great. He has confidence in Fiedler because he knows he can get the job done.
Originally posted by Fiedler for MVP
He's talking about Ken Irvin the Bills (ex- ?) CB who was toasted by CC a few times and in 5435's sig.
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